USB Reader ---PLR

Lincoln, MN, United States

HAs anyone bought a USB Reader from PLR Electronics?
How does it work for u?

There are 5 Comments

maybe is better to use USB floppy disk emulator
i used for Tajima and Richpeace machine and are OK.

Cowgirl Jo wrote:
HAs anyone bought a USB Reader from PLR Electronics?
How does it work for u?

i have used several and they all work great, they have good support if you
have a problem, also with the ones for tajimas, you dont lose your trace
feature, with the ones you plug in to the ports underneath, you lose that.

plr3lectronics's picture

if you have any questions about the diffrence in our readers or just want general information feel free to give me a call @ 817-223-3016 my name is Floyd