Warning!!!! Donald/Donnie Blackwell

To all in the screen printing businesses. Be cautious when working with Donald/Donnie Blackwell & his partner Steve! These so called technicians sold me a dryer & automatic 3 months ago & all I've received was a broken dryer. This MF is now no where to be found & does not even have the decency to even return a phone call. He burned me for $14k with empty promises & false delivery dates & to top it off I even had to go and get the dryer myself from a storage warehouse which also owed rent money too. So this is warning to all who come into contact with these guys, BE CAUTIOUS of these scam artist!! If you have any concerns or questions in regards to dealing with these guys, feel free to contact me & I will be more than willing to share my horrible business experience with them. I can be contacted at gil@crooksncastles.com or 323-369-3144.:mad:

United States

I was just contacted by the infamous Don Fenno! Wowed this guy doesn't know when to stop also of you Google his name there is an obituary that pops up from Inman,Sc. Anybody surprised?

Information on these guys here. They both scammed me and I will not let it rest until every penny I am owed gets sent to me. They didn't scam me but outright stole my money. I paid for a dryer which I never received, and now they are sitting with my money for the past 4-6 months with no refund. Essentially stealing the money. I am hunting down family members, businesses, anyone that has contact with them I will find them and make sure these people are dealt with. The money is not the motive anymore, stopping these criminals for good is.

Mark Alves
(812) 572-5334
800 S 4th St Apt 1804
Louisville, KY 40203
Email Address: markalves3342@gmail.com

Donald Blackwell
(864) 473-9789
Inman, SC 29349
Shop Address: 8180 Valley Falls Rd, Spartanburg, SC 29303
Possible home address: 201 Pointe Rd, Inman, SC 29349

Beware of Don Fenno
Hello my name is Junior I own a screen printing and embroidery company in southern California
I have a business partner name ray also we are reaching out to warm people about a machine broker
That goes by the name “Don Fenno” we made a deal with him a few months ago with a machine that
He was going to get us for 70,000 so we wired him 63,000 to his account well it’s been more than 2 months
He told us that the machine owner did not want to sell his machine anymore so we ask for out money back
Now he is just giving us the run around with lies after lies at this point we are starting a lawsuit against him
And will be posting on all forums about what he has done to us and others we recently talk to another person
That he has done this to.. Don't know if this will help me recover my money but at least warn people of the kind
Of business man that he is a lier a thief.. We are honest and hard working people that are only trying to better our
Company .. I know a lot of people might not agree and thinks he is a honorable and honest man but we
Have plenty of prof contracts and email from him to prove it...

Please don’t be the next person that this happens to

Don't trust don fenno

And for the record it was Steve Vermillion that recomended him to us...

Thanks for taking the time to read this ...

Junior Vice President
Ray President


srimonogramming's picture

Unfortunately I don't have a ton of time to dedicate to looking for any equipment that might be listed here by the Blackwell crew but if anyone suspects that there is something listed here by them let me know. These guys have done this for far too long and they will not be using this site to scam others.

srimonogramming's picture

Well, I was told over the weekend that all the members that have posted here about Donnie are lying about their dealings with him and Donnie hasn't done anyone wrong in the used equipment business. I was also told he doesn't use this site to sell equipment and the fellow that started this thread is lying about the whole deal.

As of today I still have heard nothing or even seen any equipment from Donnie except for the broken dryer. It looks like he is trying to run off with my deposit. I recently ended up purchasing another machine because i've given up hope that Donnie would do the right thing & this time paid on delivery! And I do appreciate all who has helped me in attempting to get a hold of Donnie. I've even met/spoken with a few people who have also had the same bad experience's in dealing with this guy. But again, I do stand by my statements that DONNIE IS A SNAKE & NOT TO BE TRUSTED, if you don't believe me ask Donnie what went down with our business transaction because he is obviously not communicating with us but hiding from the situation.

I can only respond to our situation… Donnie took our money and repeatedly lied to us. He will not return calls, answer calls and if you go to his shop he is ether not there or will not open the door. He will not accept registered letters. As soon as I can confirm his home address I will share it with anyone who would like to know where to find him.

Like most of the posts in here I was too burned by Donnie Blackwell, and Steve vermillion I believe is his name is the reason I originally started talking to Donnie in march of 2013, I was looking to set my small home based business into a smaller auto/dryer/flash and air chiller. A couple months in Excuses started flying and in July I charged him with Fraud, that is the point where communication became an everyday thing. I made the very dumb decision to go ahead with the transaction because I got in writing on a police statement that the equipment would be delivered and worked with 2-3 weeks. that was mid aug. to date I went to his shop about a month ago in South Carolina, and I'm from Alberta Canada I luckily enough meet with him and he lied right to my face and has contacted me via text once since, and lied to me again. I ended up receiving some of the equipmentI ordered and non of it is in a useable state, the only piece that is useable is a 1989 lawson omega dryer which I didnt even ask for or want.

We had a similar experience and would warn other business owners to stay away from Blackwell. We were given a formal quote, everything looked great. Price was unbelievable for a 6 head automatic, 4 head manual and dryer plus 2 flash units. What was finally delivered was not what was on the quote. The dryer looked like it was the 1970's and I think a flash dryer does a better job at drying. Thankfully, we were able to get some equipment, but repeated calls to give us the equipment we were quoted was for nothing.

He won't return phone calls or emails. He has sinced promised to replace our dryer for a better dryer.... for more money of course.

Be warned about this guy. He offers equipment at a very cheap price but you get very, very USED equipment that may or may not work. (Not what he promises in his quote)

Pay a little more and get what you are promised.


There is nothing to defend....he has also lied to a small business (me) in his own hometown-lied to our faces over a year and a half. We have given him the benefit of the doubt so many times, and he continues to disappoint us. We paid for 2 of his flashes and only ever received one. He sold us a crap piece of machinery (M&R 14 color) that might as well be a giant paperweight in our shop-b/c that is all it's good for. He will not return phone calls, and his building is up for lease that he had been working out of. I just don't want other printers to go through the same problems that we have. I understand people going through hard times, but he should have known when to admit his wrongs to people and just find another job if he could no longer live up to his sales and promises to people. I am trying to have legal papers served on him if anyone wants to private message me any residence or contact info. they have.

srimonogramming wrote:
Hey Seiggy, care to chime in and defend your boy?

He ain't my boy and I'm not assocated with him either, He has screwed several of my friends and Me too. He shoot down his shop in Spartenberg but he still lives there. therefore I too was duped by the Bum!!

thorntonec's picture

Does anyone know how to get ahold of Donnie Blackwell!?

Thornton Equipment Co.
David Thornton

Our website is ready with equipment for sale, We can list equipment you have for sale. http://thorntonequipment.com/

New and Used Screen Printing/Printers/Dryers/Computer to Screen/Direct to Film/Heat Presses/Folders/Graphic/Quartz Flashes & Embroidery Equipment

Let us know what your equipment needs are. We can send you our Monthly Equipment List-email us at thorntonec@charter.net

srimonogramming's picture

Pretend you're interested in buying some used equipment and the dirtbags seem to show up all of a sudden. If I were a reputable used equipment broker I'd be so angry at all the others that have given that side of the industry such a black eye. I've had conversations with guys that have dealt with most of the brokers out there and I can't believe how many bad deals that have been done to unsuspecting customers. It's terrible that these guys seem to stay in business as well. Hopefully people that are buying used equipment will do just a little research and threads like this will pop up.

Travel is the answer, I cannot describe what you think I am describing, we all have different visions of the merchandise. Pictures help, but being there in person is the only way to be sure.

I am not saying some sellers are not deliberately trying to pull a maneuver, because it happens to me more often than it ought to. If it's a lot of money, you need to go in person or send a trusted knowledgeable technician.

Buyer beware.

Seritech Inc.


thorntonec's picture

You have the wrong person. It is not Don Fenno you want. We work with and deal with Don Fenno everyday, dealing in equipment. He is an honest business man.

You are looking for Donnie Blackwell

Just keep the names straight!

Thornton Equipment Co.
David Thornton

Our website is ready with equipment for sale, We can list equipment you have for sale. http://thorntonequipment.com/

New and Used Screen Printing/Printers/Dryers/Computer to Screen/Direct to Film/Heat Presses/Folders/Graphic/Quartz Flashes & Embroidery Equipment

Let us know what your equipment needs are. We can send you our Monthly Equipment List-email us at thorntonec@charter.net