what do you have in your shops showroom!?

Ghostwork Ink's picture

My shop opens August 14th; its a huge hype in the tri county area so far.. Recently i moved all my equipment in, set up my office, got my design space set up..but for the show room.. its...blah..

i have 7 huge clothing racks witch will be filled with sample shirts/school uniforms i do, theres a glass jewelry case where im displaying the vinyl decals i do, with my cash register and such on top..
Any ideas on what my show room should display? I've worked in almost every shop in this area and i can honestly say every shop here has a musty/boring look to it. I want my shop to have more style/class to it.

Any ideas?!


United States


Worn Id's picture

Paint can do alot! What color are your walls???
Do you have the time to put up some sort of fun mural of sorts, LOTS of color???

I feel your pain, I hate our show floor...it is terribly boring! But the owners don't want to put a lot into it right now... cashflow is tight! (sigh)

What type of racks are they? Round, staggered??? You could mostly come up with an interesting pattern of how you arranged them, using style and color of the shirts.

We have one large round one in the middle of the floor! (ugh)

Wish I cold be more helpful... hope the opening goes well and keep us posted! :)



Worn Id's picture

OH! I forgot to mention...

We also have shelves along the walls where I have folded T-shirts...
I rearrange (as much as is possible) every couple months, jsut to keep it looking fresh.

We also hang samples on the wall.

It is still incredibly boring! :P


Ghostwork Ink's picture

My show room walls are 2 different shades of green, every other wall is a deep lime green, and every other one that isnt the deep lime is a lighter lime green. the 2 shades arent really noticeable, but it really looks cool when you take the time to see the 2 colors next to eachother.

the clothing racks i have are staggers, they have 4 arms and i could make each arm a different height.

I was thinking of having a few mirrors mounted to the wall along with some shelves i could put some of the surrounding schools merch for sale.
I was also thinking of getting some color scheme/color wheel posters and stuff like that


Worn Id's picture

I bet the walls look great! I like sutle changes in color.
I wish I had the staggering arm racks... you can jsut do so much more with them.

Mirrios are always great, just eb prepared to clean little fingerprints (handprints too!) off them cause the little kids will head right to them!

Sounds like you have a good game plan, post some pics once its all done! :)



ORabbit's picture

I heard a piece of advice once. Make your store look like appealing to hang out in, but don't actually give them a place to hang out. Apply this however you see fit.

I would recommend art over posters. Have any artist friends? Tell them they can display their art for free! Good exposure for them, good class points for you.

And lighting is huge. Do you have overhead fluorescents? They suck your soul out. It would be worth the money to have them replaced with incandescent fixtures.

Looks like you've already opened, so maybe I'm too late.
How did it go?

Ghostwork Ink's picture

Yeah i have a lot of art from my friend Aaron Crawford in my shop, google him and check out his website; his art is one of a kind!
I ended up putting no posters in my shop, every wall is filled with all my pellons; it adds a awesome look to the show room!
I actually had a guy come into my shop trying to sell his florescent for all my overheads. The totally brought out the color in the whole shop; but they were way to much money


Ghostwork Ink's picture

I had a couple of photos a photographer took, but im not really a fan of them so i never posted them
She took the photos when i was trying to get my internet connected so all my computers are on the floor, there wires everywhere and it was messy!

Hopefully i can get in touch with my friend tomorrow who takes awesome pictures; ill get him to come by and take a ton!

