What impact does Twitter and Facebook have on your business?

I just got a Twitter account yesterday and a Facebook account today for DigitSmith. What kind of impact does social networking sites have on your business?

United States

Hi Marc,

I will ask anyone where who is brand concerned to book or reserve user name by checking here


Having a brand name reserve will help in brand building, social traffic as well as google will rank your website fast as in recent algorithm (Like Panda or Freshness algo), Google has given more importance to brands.

May be Google Business Page as well as having Google Plus one account or adding Social Counter icons like FB, Twitter, Digg and Google Plus One also can help for more traffic and rankings. I would like to see these social counters on digitsmith.

We've found it to be useful for relationship building. People ask questions on our Facebook page or Twitter feed, or will say something nice about the service and/or products they received. It also helps get the company name out there.

One thing to remember though, is it helps to be strategic in who you follow/friend. You want to have the right people looking at your account, not random people.

Embroidery and Sublimation Supplies

Marc wrote:
EnMartian, which of the two sites deliver more traffic to your site?

Probably Facebook. Twitter is fun, but it's fleeting. If you're following a lot of people, it's easy to miss a message. Facebook is a bit more permanent, and you can hold a conversation that everyone can see.

Both are useful, but I'd probably drop Twitter before I would Facebook.

Embroidery and Sublimation Supplies

screenmachines's picture

Printwizard wrote:
Alan, I am number two! We haven't done anything but have to start thinking about it. Have just bout Inksoft so once running need to drive people to the site.....

Wow, digitsmith on Facebook, me and RWB like..... I am on a roll! 2 people like this....

??? Always pimping...

"Keep the the ink moving and you make money..."

How very strange , I was about to ask the same question about Facebook. Thanks for the post Marc. Ive recently relaunched my web site and opened a Facebook page as well. Suddenly on Facebook I have so many "friends" ( via friends of friends) from my past. People Ive forgotten about and it will be interesting to see if any make contact and bring me work. But , very importantly, I have sent requests to befriend me to my customers. If they accept me then they will have a permanent reminder of me on their page. Free advertising.

Marc wrote:
I just got a Twitter account yesterday and a Facebook account today for DigitSmith. What kind of impact does social networking sites have on your business?

Facebook seems to work a little bit better due to being able to put more information on it, but Twitter has been okay for us too.

GraphicDisorder wrote:
I have 5,000 friends on my facebook, and 2,700 on my still young company facebook. I get probably 20-30 messages a day plus comments/etc. We use facebook VERY heavy and it works great.

Is your company huge? I find that it's easy for big companies to gather friends and followers. Because that's pretty incredible if not. I'm a digitizer for an embroidery company in Toronto. The boss paid good money to promote the business on social networking sites (I think 5K/month) and after 4 months the total was 650 friends on fb and 400 followers on twtter. You can make good money if you can replicate your success for other companies.
GraphicDisorder's picture

DPRO wrote:
Is your company huge? I find that it's easy for big companies to gather friends and followers. Because that's pretty incredible if not. I'm a digitizer for an embroidery company in Toronto. The boss paid good money to promote the business on social networking sites (I think 5K/month) and after 4 months the total was 650 friends on fb and 400 followers on twtter. You can make good money if you can replicate your success for other companies.

2 person company, so we are no where near huge. Here are my pages:


Shop (only a few months old):

Never considered doing it for others, too busy with my own lol.

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GraphicDisorder wrote:
2 person company, so we are no where near huge. Here are my pages:


Shop (only a few months old):

Never considered doing it for others, too busy with my own lol.

I just check out your web site facebook page..... just 2 people!? That's seriously crazy. You guys must not like sleeping :eek:
GraphicDisorder's picture

DPRO wrote:
I just check out your web site facebook page..... just 2 people!? That's seriously crazy. You guys must not like sleeping :eek:

Ya we don't do a lot of sleeping. We were north of 70hrs this week as of yesterday. BTW we dont take weekends off either.

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I like Twitter because a lot of Screen Printers post new designs pretty regularly. I enjoy seeing fresh art on a regular basis. Twitter kind of reminds me of global text messaging.

On facebook I tend to pay more attention to my personal profile than the business pages. You can see how neglected my fb pages are:

I've definitely had more prospective customers contact me because of Twitter, but it directly correlates with time spent on each...

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Just a small up date to my previous post. Ive been on Facebook now for two weeks. In that time Ive befriended 7 of my customers, so my info and posts will come on their Facebook page as well. Some of them have put my link on their own websites, all through me having a Facebook account.
Graphic Disorder I have befriended as well. How only two people can do all that amazing work. Its unbelievable.

GraphicDisorder's picture

Very nice compliment Earl. Keep it up, if you use facebook right, you will see a massive revenue stream from it. It wont happen over night and it wont happen with only using it 5 minutes a day, but if you keep at it you will find your customers and their friends will end up seeing more of your work and feel more connected to you!

Huge potential with facebook. I feel like ive barely tapped it myself.

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SPOF has had both for quite some time and I can say for a forum, twitter has better than facebook, at least for me. The key to either is constant updates and with most forums you can have your twitter stuff constantly updated automatically. I personally do not have the time to play the social media game so the ability for the forum to do all the tweeting automatically is right up my alley.

I guess you could also have facebook automatically update with every post coming from Digitsmith but I do not know if it is as easy to do as it is with twitter.

If your looking for "young crowed" customers then Facebook is probably the best way to go. If you are looking for industry professionals then twitter, linkedin and google buzz are the way I would go.

GraphicDisorder's picture

I have my facebook feeding my Twitter. Works well for me, considering I never go to my Twitter or advertise it and I have 300 followers.

Facebook is very powerful if you know how to use it.

Linkedin I find is a long way from being relevant for me and my business. But I have a drastic different business from many.

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Well lets all put on a suit and tie when we visit it on the net. :D

I know what Linkedin is Preston, it's massively boring and NOT relevant for my business at this time. But I am hiring soon and maybe ill play with my account there. Shouldn't take long to build it up like my 2 facebook pages.

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DPRO wrote:
I'm tellin' ya, you could make good money on the side with social media marketing!

If I had time for it, id be all about that though. But I am a victim of my own success there. We are exploding as a business. We decided to hire in fact. Maybe I will have more time soon!

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Passing 2,900 likes on the company facebook. Still maxed on my personal facebook (5,000). Twitter over 350 followers (don't spend much time on this), and over 210 on linkedin now (lack of time on this as well).

How are you guys doing with yours?

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GraphicDisorder wrote:
Thank you sir. I stalk yours now and then too. You guys make me jealous. I want that CHIII!

Dude I see those jackets you post. Those things look KILLER!

But I do agree.....the CH III is a beast. Creeping up on 1,000,000 impressions already!

Down the coastlines with the winds we reign. Men of the north we leave the shores in flames.

GraphicDisorder's picture

Icon_714 wrote:
Dude I see those jackets you post. Those things look KILLER!

But I do agree.....the CH III is a beast. Creeping up on 1,000,000 impressions already!


CHIII, if things keep going like they are, I will have one.

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Progress Report, been really busy but wanted to update.

Almost 3,000 on company facebook. Still maxed on my personal facebook (5,000). Twitter over 367 followers (don't spend much time on this), and over 345 on linkedin now (lack of time on this as well).

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