What makes Wilcom so much better than the rest?

Ok we are having a huge problem deciding on which digitizing software to go with...

So can you tell me what features makes Wilcom so much better than all the rest?

This weekend we were able to see Embroidery I2 which is an Adobe Illustrator Plug In, but I wonder about its sew out quality.

Any opinions would be appreciated.


Robert Young's picture

Wilcom has such a hugh client base that I would think it would be easier to get training and support than virtually any other software out there... unless you happen to live right next to a training center for some other brand?

If you have never digitized before I would opt for Wilcom just for the ability to have so many people to draw on when you have questions....also , if you grow enough to need to hire another inhouse digitizer it seems to be easier to find ones with Wilcom experience.

Modern Embroidery Designer

So why else Wilcom? Is the quality of the digitzing better when using Wilcom, or can you get the same results with another product.

Robert, I know you mentioned in another post that you use Wings... would that be a good choice?

Also does anyone know anything about Pulse Illustrator?

Hi, if someone of you are intersted in buying DecoStudio think about it twice. I got the User Manual and read it and decided to buy the software after looking at the beautiful fills showed in the manual. To my great surprise after paying $1,049.00 (because I gave them the Drawings SN and they treated my case as an upgrade) for the software I found out that the software cannot do the so mentioned effects and WILCOM says that the illustrations were used just to illustrate other features; They say that the manual have a legal disclaimer and does not want to make a refund. If you are looking for a Digitizing sotware that allows you to apply special effects then buy Drawings 4 or any other software. That is what I am going to do if I can get my money back. If you know about other software that can do what Drawings can do then buy it but do not buy DecoStudio; you will regret it. If you still want to read the User Manual get in touch with me at one this e-mails ad I will send it to you. If you still want to buy DecoStudio I can sell it to you.


You can download a Drawing demo version from drawstitch.com. If after reading this message you are interested in buying DecoStudio that is up to you.

SunEmbroidery's picture

I use Pulse, Illustrator level. It's fine for what I do. Wilcom is considered to have the best lettering which is extremely important. Some consider Pulse to be on par with Wilcom. I would definitely check out the availabilty of training in your area. Pulse has Pulselist, an email forum where you can ask/answer questions. Many people really like this and learn alot.