By Edward Richter on
Apr. 27, 2012
So I am getting my embroidery machine next week. What kind of embroidery supplies do I need/what kind of Thread, backing do you recommend?? What are the best shirts to work with. I am open to any info that you can pass my way. Thanks in advance.
Re: What supplies do I need??
Robert, I went outside of the box and put mine in the study :) Edward, please heed Robert's advice. I had done quite a bit of sewing as well, but no one could prepare me for the HUGE learning curve I have faced running a commerical machine. Robert can attest - I have come to him panicked several times. I am also very green and just starting out, and although I am getting a decent amount of business, my clients have NO IDEA how long it takes me to come up with their designs that are not just logos I can have digitized. If I worked it out, I am probably making like $2/hr or something ridiculous. But I am having a blast, so it is so far been worth it :)
Sydney Fedesna
Two Socks Designs
Re: What supplies do I need??
Are you buying a home model Brother?
Re: What supplies do I need??
No, It is a Brother bas 416 single head 9 needle. All tuned up and ready to go plus all of the inventory, thread, Corel drawings. Having not seen it yet, I do not know everything it comes with. I will let you all know what comes of this. Thanks again to everyone who has chimed in so far
Re: What supplies do I need??
Edward, hopefully you are familiar with your new equipment that is coming...if not, spend time getting to know how it works and if it has any issues. When you get an order, you won't be so frustrated trying to figure it out when it counts. Also, until you learn how to digitize (if you will) find someone now that will do it on contract so you have availability to creating logos for customers when requested. As far as supplies, pick an array of thread colors that are commonly used, then purchase a little at a time as customers demand custom colors.. this is not like sewing, it is challenging but give yourself time to figure it out. And always, always, always trace out a design before sewing it out! That is a sound I will never forget!
Re: What supplies do I need??
but what made you want to get into the business without knowing much about it? If someone offered me a complete screen printing shop I would not take it.. don't know a thing about screen printing so it would be useless to me.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: What supplies do I need??
I have wanted an embroidery machine for over 15 years. I could not do it in the military so after I retired, I had been thinking about it off and on for the last several years. So then this opportunity presented itself, I jumped on it. And it is not like I do not know how to sew. I have had a sewing machine for several years. Now it is time to take the next logical step, turn my enjoyment of sewing into something more. I have done quite a bit of research before I made the leap so I feel confident That The adventure that I am about to embark on will be will be enjoyabe and hopefully profitable. I am not defending myself, just letting you know where I am coming from.
Re: What supplies do I need??
Ouch, Cart before the Horse! If you go to Best Buy and pick up some Business Plan software for about $30, by the time you go through that process and have a formal written plan you will have nearly all your questions answered.. The software is very intuitive.. kinda like using Turbo Tax for your taxes.. it knows many of the things you don't know.. so it fills in lots of the blanks of things you need to think of to start and run a business.
For just .. buy this and buy that.. then I would call an embroidery supplier that sells Madeira or Robinson Anton threads, (google them) tell them what types of product you have in mind to sew on.. and they will be more than happy to sell you what they think you need from deciding whether you need Rayon or Poly thread, what kind of Pellon you need, what needles, etc. The company you bought your machine from should also be able to guide to to reputable suppliers. But unless you know exactly what you want to sew on, you are going to buy MORE than you will use.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: What supplies do I need??
I am buying a used brother from someone who never really used his machine. It's been about six years since he produced anything so he does not have a supplier or the like. For what I think is a really good deal, I am getting his machine and all of his inventory (about 1,500 pieces). But eventually,I will have to purchase my own supplies. I bought the machine right away because a deal like this does not come around very often. The machine will be fully serviced and ready to pick up this coming weekend. Thanks for starting the process and pointing me in the right direction. I will need all the help I can get.
Re: What supplies do I need??
Also for any design to turn out great, you need to good in digitizing or you need to find good digitizer
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try
Re: What supplies do I need??
And, call a dealer or find some training somewhere, and get it no matter what the cost. It'll help tremendously.
Re: What supplies do I need??
very cool! I am so glad to hear your story.. it is not the norm from what I see. Too many people seem to get into the business thinking they can make a fortune and haven't a clue about what it takes. Low entry threshold so many line up to put machines in their garages or spare bedrooms.... only to learn later that they were mistaken and the machines just sit there...
Modern Embroidery Designer