Which press to get....?

I'm looking for a 6 color/4 station manual press. I have a budget of around $3,000 (not including shipping). I will be printing only on t-shirts. Id like to know which presses are recommended. I looked into the Riley Hopkins WIN 6/4 but heard from a few people that micro registration is better than the joystick. I also called Hopkins/BWM and their 6/4 is just under $3,000 as well. I'd like to know what you guys recommend me getting. Thanks.

United States
Greg hamrick's picture

Both printers you just mentioned; along with Workhorse, M&R, Vastex, Antec, Kodiak, Jennings, Capps, Lawson, Brown-Harco....the list goes on.
The main thing in any press is micro-adjustment and the ability to print multiple prints at a time. If your wanting a 6X4...then you can print flash print four shirts, up to six colors each without pausing, because the ink has enough time to cool down before you get to the first one you started with. That's where you start to make money, saving time.
Just make sure that the press you choose has the registration for tight jobs and go with the one within your budget. Now days, most all of those printers have the same things on them and do just as good a job as the competition's.
Anyone can recommend a printer that they have, and will swear that it is the absolute best, but it really comes down to budget. Just don't get suckered into buying a 'cheap' piece of junk and spend as much of your budget as you can on 'good' equipment and you'll get years of service out of it.

But since you asked....I recommend a "Workhorse" press.


At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.

Greg hamrick's picture

I bought a Workhorse 6X6 back in the early 90's and it is still as good today as it was when it was first setup. I've had to replace a couple of the springs, a couple teflon registration screws and shirt platens, but that's a norm with any press.
It holds great registration and has printed tens of thousands of four-color-process jobs. The thing is, I'm not advocating for Workhorse. As I said, all of the major brands of printers out there will do just as good a job. I've used several other brands, (helping out friends setup and get going), and have no complaints on their ease of setup and their durability. Some are a little over-priced in my opinion, but hey...they are only going to sell you a press that will last you the rest of your life plus some, with very little maintenance.
If you have alittle time...you'll see some very good deals right here on this site. I've seen whole set-ups sell for the cost of one good press. Or check out Ebay. In the past couple months quite a few "super" deals have been sold up in your area.
Give me an e-mail and I'll try to help you out.


At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.