By skent on
Oct. 11, 2012
Hi I am looking to buy a new software system for our screen printing & embroidery company. We are currently running off a system the previous owner has installed about 15 years ago. It does NOT do anything besides putting in basic screen printing & embroidery details and such. I am looking to get into contract printing potentially, and want a software system that would have everything I would need from beginging to end, I heard that Shopworks & Precise software were two of the best. Any thoughts?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Re: Which Software program shopworks or precise??
Price it is good as well as reasonably priced.
Re: Which Software program shopworks or precise??
Go join and you will see sub forums,specific to these softwares and tons of people using them daily to answer your questions.
Re: Which Software program shopworks or precise??
You have to be VERY diligent in your research of the Shopworks software package. The sales team over at Shopworks does a great job of selling the sizzle of the software, however, the reality of what you end up with after you buy is very different. We've started cataloging our experience with Shopworks here: We recommend that anyone who is considering the purchase of Shopworks Screen Printing Software, review our experience.