By sydney.fedesna on
Mar. 18, 2012
I just finished sewing a simple design of a horse silhouette on a vest back. I centered the center (that sounds funny, sorry) of the design with a tag on the back of the vest. Although I know that is the true center, to me, it just looks a little bit off due to the shape of the horse. My question to you pros is, would you have done what I did and used the true center, or would you have eyeballed it and centered it where it "looked" centered with respect to the tag?
Sydney Fedesna
Two Socks Designs
Re: Your Opinion - True vs. Aesthetic Centering?
On your product I would go for visual center. If you thought it needed tweaking then I bet people that see your finished work will have the same feeling.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Your Opinion - True vs. Aesthetic Centering?
Thank you, Robert. That was kind of my thinking, but it is good to hear confirmation from an expert.
After all that hemming and hawing, I accidently sprayed the silly vest with 505 instead of Magic it has two little adhesive stains that I can't seem to get out...I've tried Spray N Wash and Goo Gone to no avail yet...
With my luck, I will probably have to end up buying her a new vest, and then I can make sure the logo is visually centered....Haha.
Sydney Fedesna
Two Socks Designs