2021 Barudan

I bought a new Barudan 6 head embroidery machine in April 2021
have had problems with it triming threads since I receive the machine.
In October Barudan released a update that fixed the trimming problem this
hurt my business!!! With a Brand New Machine Not Working Correctly.
Now my 2021 6 head Barudan is having thread trim problem again looks like there is a short any one else had this problem. I really wondering if I have a bad machine? I keep on getting D12 message any one else have had this type of problem?

American Bodies wrote:
I bought a new Barudan 6 head embroidery machine in April 2021
have had problems with it triming threads since I receive the machine.
In October Barudan released a update that fixed the trimming problem this
hurt my business!!! With a Brand New Machine Not Working Correctly.
Now my 2021 6 head Barudan is having thread trim problem again looks like there is a short any one else had this problem. I really wondering if I have a bad machine? I keep on getting D12 message any one else have had this type of problem?

Here is Video of What the Machine is doing

ayugup wrote:
Have you gotten it resolved yet. It looks like when the upper thread trims, the other thread got stuck. I may be wrong, but that's what D12 means. Also this might help you a lil.

Again it was a Brand new machine that did not work right for over 6 months can you even imagine spending the $$$'s for a 6 head machine and the anxiety of wondering if you have a good machine for 6 months I received the machine in April and I went to the show in Fort Worth Texas in I believe September of 2021 and asked the Barudan person at the show and he told me it was in the settings which was not true they sent the machine out not doing thread trims right thus making me go crazy in wondering if I made a good choice in my purchase and a anxiety rating of 10. Thankfully a Barudan Rep has finally come out and sodered the wire to the sensor and it seems to be working now. My company certainly has paid a price for this incompetence!!!

oof. Feel sorry for you bud. I hate the company too, but love its product. They think their product is 100% perfect and the customer doesn't know how to run the machine. I hated them 5-6 years ago also, but learned that i need a lot of learning in the field. I had a 4 head and although your tech suppose to teach you for 2 days with installments, my tech only teached me how to hoop (I already knew that). My tech showed me the lubrication spots and that's about it. Anytime i need him, he charges like $100 per hour and traveling is separate and he lives like an hour away. If it's possible, try to learn as much as possible about your machine, because only you gonna care about it. Although I had my machine over 5 years, I only know hook timing and basic stuff( like lubrication and others). I wish there were more options available of how to fix your machine or something like that online about barudan.

This is a relatively easy fix.

You can contact support:

1. you can call tech support at 866-825-5884 or email techsupport@barudan.com

2. At the back of the machine, you can use hex tool #2 to open the plate. Hex #3 to uncrew the hex pulling back the thread cutter. Pull it all the way back and retightening it. If you still have trouble with the machine, I can facetime and show you.

Take care.