By pushing ink on
Aug. 01, 2012
I heard that they have a steel shortage and where late on a presses because of that! Heard it from a guy that was waiting MONTHS on his press to arrive.
Also I hear one Mustang owner wated to sell his already!:rolleyes:
4 sold in the last 12 months all of them late and one want to get rid of his...WOW!
Re: Is 2M out of Parts??
I saw CP post about the steel shortage (even though we all know thats probably BS).
Alan said it best in the other thread about wait times. Anything over 12 weeks tells us that they aren't as serious about building machines as we all are about printing shirts. I think that speaks volumes.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Is 2M out of Parts??
Maybe they owe vendors???
Re: Is 2M out of Parts??
Re: Is 2M out of Parts??
M&R has got their attack dogs working overtime
How much did Graphic Disorder get paid to do all those ads LOL
Did M&R get Brandt his lease approval or did that happen magically as well LMAO
If people really knew what goes on behind the scenes in the machine business WOW
Re: Is 2M out of Parts??
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Is 2M out of Parts??
LOL keep posting that, I love it.
BTW we aren't paid by M&R, asked to post by M&R, or anything remotely close to that complete fabrication you keep posting.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Is 2M out of Parts??
Well if they there is no shortage of steel then it could be a shortage of MONEY! I know Barne has had years of money problems, he told me that himself and now with 2M shortage problems of whatever kind is making buyer's scared!! Foloow the money and flush that Rabbit hole and you will see where 2M and Barnes problems are!