Automatic reclaim machines

I am looking into purchasing an automatic reclaim unit and was looking for some feedback from those who have them. Any recommendations on brand or features would be very helpful.


United States
pwalsh's picture

dgsp7 wrote:
I am looking into purchasing an automatic reclaim unit and was looking for some feedback from those who have them. Any recommendations on brand or features would be very helpful.


Travis: Good luck with the equipment search. There are a number of different options in the realm of automatic screen reclamation systems and it would help to identify what would be most suitable for your operation if you could answer the following questions:

  • Average number of screens being reclaimed each shift
  • Size of frames being reclaimed
  • Type of ink system(s) in use
I’m confident that you will get some great feedback / recommendations from the screen-print industry veterans on this site after you provide this information

Peter G. Walsh
Vice President & General Manager
Nazdar SourceOne Shawnee Kansas
913-422-1888 x2020 - 913-579-6662 (cell) -

“The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies or opinions of the Nazdar or Thrall Companies.”

Good point. Currently we reclaim 50-75 a day. All are 25"x 36" newmans and I am using plastisol 95% of the time.


Pierre and I touched on this last night over the phone. I have found that many of these units are falsely advertised, underperform (not thorough enough), and are not solidly built for the rigors of the process. That said Zentner stands out among the rest. I have seen the linear model in action and it's awesome. Just don't faint when you see the pricetag. The compact models will be less expensive. Any one even slightly interested in automating the clean/reclaim process should have a look. I won't recommend any other brand.