Batch convert text file to dst

I have a large number of text files that contain only alpha-numerical characters. I need a method to convert them to machine files such as dst. All of the embroidery fonts, colors and layouts are the same. The program will use a preset embroidery font.

I have tried to importing files into a program such a Embroidery Magic but it appears they only import graphic files, bit mapped or vector. I need to be able to import a text files only so the program will use a predetermined embroidery font and not create an image that would require some editing.

Does anyone know of any method this can be done?

Thanks for your help

PatchSuperstore wrote:
What kind of text files are these?

They are text file consisting of just alpha numeric characters. The files have a lot of characters, spaces and CR.
They are now in Word but can be easily converted to plain TXT files or most any format.

I need to convert these files, letters and numbers, to a machine files such as a dst file.

To give you an example of what I need. You can use most any digitizing program and manually type in text characters. You would define the embroidery font for these characters. Then the program would create a dst file to be sent to the embroidery machine.

I have a lot of text files that need to be converted to dst files, all using the same embroidery font.

I need to automate this process.

Thanks for your help

Ok ... You've got A LOT going on in your post. Let me see if I am understanding what you are asking the way I think you are.

When you say "text" files. I assume that these are things like name-drops? Embroidery programs typically only read graphic files. They don't read text files ... why? I guess because they don't ... lol, don't have an answer on that one.

I'm still not quite sure I fully understand why you need this, if you have a lettering program, you will need to re-type these. I suppose if these are massive files with tons of text you could always use the Batch convert or Image processor feature in either Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop and make images out of the text files, THEN import them into a digitizing program to make them sewable.

But in the time it would take you to do all that, then clean up the digitizing, you could probably re-type it 10 times in a lettering program.

I honestly don't know of ANY program that reads text files, I can tell you that Wilcom doesn't.

Sorry to say it, but I think you're stuck doing it the ol' fashion way...
-- Eric

If you have the files in word, you can just change your default font and size in your preferences in your digitizing software and paste them into the text boxes in you software. I understand you just want to do a batch import, and have the software spit out DST files. There is no way to do this that I know of.

I'm still not getting what this actually all is though? What are you trying to sew on what? You say alpha-numeric, so I take it these aren't names? Are you trying to put serial numbers? or markers in fabric?

Define a lot of files? 1,000? more?

lol alot could be a million i have no idea whats going on i just saw your name Eric and saw define alot and i had to laugh.. u ever see the movie blow?? when Johnny depp says to the guy in columbia i dont need alittle i need alot lol

I would recommend using a command line tool to convert .txt file to .bmp file. Then use that with biterscripting to batch convert all your .txt files to .bmp files. I use biterscripting ( ) a lot for batch conversion of media files.
