Digital Thermostat

Looking to replace thermostat in National Dryer Oven, does anyone know of a specific brand that can control 3 panels?

spotcolorsupply's picture

Depends on what output your relays require..??

Does the dryer have Solid State Relays, or Mercury Relays?

If it has mercury relays there will be an ice cube relay controlling them...

What type of temp controller do you have now?

Brannon Mullins
Spot Color Supply
51 Aiken St
Cartersville, GA 30120

The only Digital electrical component on any stock National dryer,
was a Digital Temperature Controller. It used a "type j" thermocouple.
The controller cycled mercury relays. Bill Foust "Danilsade" on this board
sells parts.He would be a good choice!
Good Luck,