Digitzing Services...Who to use? Advice, Pretty Please!

Hello All,

New to the Embroidery world and before I try to master the art of Digitizing I feel I need to master the art of Embroidery! No reason to put the horse before the cart, huh?

When looking on the web for a professional digitizer it is a little overwhelming. I am needing someone to work with me when I have a client that is wanting their logo or design embroidered. What is the most cost effective way to do implicate this? And do you charge for this service or do you eat this cost? Surely not everyone that starts out learn to digitize logos before Embroidering!

All advice welcomed! Thanks so much in advance!


Robert Young's picture

Carrie, I would recommend finding a local digitizer to start... someone you can begin to build a relationship with.. speak to in person. If they are skilled at all they will value your business and will understand that eventually you might leave to use an on-line service when you feel you know what you are doing.. but having a local resource I bet you would still use them for rush jobs or designs you have learned they are just better at.. 3D, fur effect, heavy machinery stuff, Applique, etc.. something will put them above.

Remember, they only know what they know... what they have learned from trial and error.. each of them in effect is really re-inventing the wheel since few digitizers talk to others. Few have worked in companies large enough to have several other digitizers to learn from. And fewer still attend the trade shows regularly to take the seminars offered, preferring to think they are "good enough" already and classes would be a waste of time.

So for best quality eventually you may find yourself using several sources for specialized applications even when you begin to digitize the simpler designs yourself.

Modern Embroidery Designer

You need to test the quality first before taking services.
You can send to me and i do one to two designs free to check my work
Prices are also 10 usd per design
I am providing services to many forum members and i hope they can post in this thread about my quality

Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try

Having been business a little over a year now, I know how you feel.

First, google "embroidery digitizing", and you'll find dozens. Check their sites. You'll find some with the first one or two designs free, give them a try, you have nothing to lose.

Next, go onto a facebook page like "pantograms", SWF, BARAUDAN, etc., an embrodery machine company, join the site, and put a message on asking for digitizing references. You'll get a ton. Sort through them and see what they have to offer.

And, when you find a company you may want to try, email them, tell them you want a free design to see how they work, and in my experience, they've never turned me down yet. It's like test driving a new car,,,,,I won't buy till I drive it, and for digitizing, I won't pay until I check their work.

Don't let price get in the way. There's some that charge as much as 5 or higher per thousand. The higher the price does not mean they're the best. There are good deals out there for very reasonable prices.

It's all trial and error.

Practice using your text program that came with your machine. That'll help a lot too.

If you want some of my references, email me, and I'll give you a few.

Good luck.

Carrie, I am sure you will be unindated with offers to digitize your work from your posting here. Some will be very, very inexpensive promising fast service, and of coarse quality work. Some will be considered a little on the high end for pricing.
Since you are new with embroidery, how will you know a good digitizing job? Do you have a one head machine or multiple's. What brand is it?
You are smart in just learning to embroider first before even considering digitizing. It takes years to learn.
I ran an embridery machine for years before I started to digitize. As I watched the designs run, some had me baffled as to what were they thinking! There were many hours wasted on unnessesary color trims, thread breaks, designs not well thought out which helped me make the decision to digitize. It's been 18 years doing it.
The most cost effective way for you depends on the market you are dealing with. Eveyone has a diffent approach. You can charge for the service, exactly what you paid for it, mark it up, or if a large order where your profits are from the garment and embroidery you can afford to eat the cost.
I find the position you are in as who to use puts you at the mercy of the digitizing person or company. They can make or break your day. You might go through many until you find one that suits your needs. Do you know the difference of a good running design verses one that has not been done well?
I would love to promote myself here but am not going to. I do hope though you will use someone from the USA! We need to keep our jobs here!
I can go on and on, but am sure there will be many who post here who will give you good advice more eloquently then me. You will just need to sort all the information out and use what best serves your needs. Wish you the best!