Embroidery machine shows

I've done a few web searches for "embroidery machine shows" without much success. Where should I be looking to find a list of shows.

thanks in advance,


United States
JuBilee's picture

Here's a few places to get started:


These are some of the Industries Trade Show organizations. You should be able to find schedules at their site as to when and where they will be. Some of them say that they "charge" admission, but if you contact one of the exhibitors and tell them you want to come see their equipment, they'll get you free passes. I haven't paid to go to a show in probably ten years or so.

Matt McNeill

JuBilee Screen Printing
& Embroidery

Celebrating 20+ years in business!!!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to pm, email, or call me.:D

Todd & Everybody else looking for trade shows:

When searching for a show in any industry, use the search keyword 'trade show.' You'll get better results. So if you look for 'embroidery trade show' you should find most of the shows you are looking for.

Also for the record - Thanks to JuBilee for mentioning our show, but the DAX show's website is http://www.daxshow.com, 'daxshows.com' won't get you there.

Scott Ritter
Decorated Apparel Expo, Inc.

Add eh Embroiderymart shows in Houston, Nashville, and Columbus that NNEP (National Network of Embroidery Professionals) puts on.

NNEP is a great group of operators and business folks that helps out each other with all types of embroidery issues.

All the shows mentioned are great. EnMart exhibits at many of them.

By the way in 2012, the only confirmed show for the NNEP is the one in Nashville in July.

Embroidery and Sublimation Supplies