By Franky on
Oct. 22, 2012
The enchanced model of OCTOPUS Screen Printer which have digital adjustment system on each printing heads.
It can increase the accuracy of printing and high repeatability with quick frame changing system.
Re: Enchanced OCTOPUS Screen Printer
Are they Chinese drums in the background?
Re: Enchanced OCTOPUS Screen Printer
isn't this the chineese bootleg cross breed of a playtex and an m&r sportsman? man, can't these guys come up with their own design?
Re: Enchanced OCTOPUS Screen Printer
No thanks, that is a copy of a bad press combined with a bad copy of a good press... disaster written all over it. The flashes aren't integrated into the press either, they come on and off without being in unison with the pallet index and up/down movement. Double stroking on an auto on light garments? Hopefully that is a pre-press flaw and not because the press can't shear the ink with one stroke.
Re: Enchanced OCTOPUS Screen Printer
rook ryka clappy pless, go back to dlawling boald and com ah up wi sa ting oliginah
Re: Enchanced OCTOPUS Screen Printer Buy an auto that prints slower than a manual press. If thats the enhanced version I would hate to see the standard version.