EX client upset over a 22 year old design.

Robert Young's picture

Sorry, venting, please make that allowance.

the design should be in college now! 22

While I am happy the ex client (has not ordered for 19 years) is still in business and grateful that we are too! still are we as digitizers to be "forever storage"?

I am coming up on my 30th year of digitizing... and lots of bernoulli drives and zip drives before the internet became. But I am sorry that I do not have access to something that can read those files anymore. Volant is 17 years old and we pay nearly 800 per month to have RackSpace save those files every 12 hours.. so the most theoretically we could lose would be 11.99 hours of work.. lol

she was adamant that we should redo the file because she lost it.


How long do YOU as a digitizer or embroidery house keep the files? do you charge for repeats after a certain number of years of inactivity?

Technology changes Do you feel required to convert everything to the newest? (Bernoulli and Zip to next)

Modern Embroidery Designer

that's crazy! no one should be EXPECTED to hang onto a design that long.

that said, i do have every design i've ever done, just on my plain old hard drive. its a big hard drive, but i do have them all. i do back ups to thumb drives. i'm careful not to save the artwork in the file. that reduces the size of the file a LOT

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

Good grief!
I seriously think that I would burst out laughing.
If you DID have that file - and gave it to her in the original format - would she be able to open it with the software that she is using now? (Just wondering)
Stay strong, Robert. I do enjoy your posts.