By LNorton on
Mar. 06, 2007
I am currently looking to find 1-2 new digitizing clients. Currently attending college and have been digitizing for 3 years and have spent my entire life in the embroidery industry.
My main concern is that advertising may pull in too many clients to handle. More or less I am only looking to find about 5-10 more designs to do per week. My recent local searches have told me that most shops either have a digitizer that they prefer or digitize in house.
What are your opinions on how to find new digitizing clients? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
His website prices in GBP
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
You are absolutely ri8 we are based in Pakistan and we offer our services all over the world
Affordable and Perfect Embroidery Digitizing.
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
maxdigitizing, am I right you are based in Pakistan??
Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
Now a days digitizing rates is very low with quality digitizing. Most of the clients want such quality digitizing in low digitizing rates. It may also help to increase your clients.
Idigitize4u offers $15 flat rate digitizing and vectorization with fastest turnaround time.:rolleyes:
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
sorry John... he asked this question five years ago and as I would expect his website is no longer active.. so he is probably no longer in business as a digitizing company. Is is interesting though to read what was written here 4 and 5 years ago and how the same issues are around today.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
Finding a client is almost same as it was in past and will be in future as well. What i do, is offer two free designs, so that they can check my digitizing quality. If they like, they will send more orders.
Issue in this approach is that many will take two designs, will say quality is great and will still use their old digitizers because its frame of mind set for them for the ones they are using already.
Now prices, as i offer $10 per design, to attract and find more clients, but many will still pay more to their existing provider because in embroidery business, they will still use same provider, they are using now.
So as i said getting a new client is tough in these days, so you should try to do best for the existing ones to retain with service and quality.
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
well welcome! What is the embroidery industry like in Pakistan? When I started here in San Antonio, TX 23 years ago there were 11 embroidery shops listed in the phone book.. all were larger multi-head shops... today there are over 120 embroidery shops listed and more than 70% dont have more than 2 heads!!! Which is actually good for Digitizers as we can spread ourselves much thinner and not have many GIANT clients that will either decide to bring digitizing in-house or go offshore...hurting our business in one fell swoop..... What is it like where you are?
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
retaining is the key as always trying to find new ones and loosing old ones
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
If your designs are good and service is fast, you will manage to build your customer base.
Not all customers are after cheap digitizing so offering low rates will not always work.
Many are looking for quality and service because paying a few extra $$ for a design pays off far better when a design is punched better than competitors which will win the customer future embroidery orders.
Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
So profit margins also decreased as they will have more less prices to compete with each other
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
I assume in digitizing, loyal customers play important part and your best should be to retain them....
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
Finding Digitizing Clients, will always remain a mystery .... Every hour a new digitizing company comes in market and every two hour one left... This is where your luck depends!
:confused: Embroidery Digitizing Visit
:) Satisfied more than 800 customers, Take a **NO** risk trial
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
I want to suggest that when you get client always provide him quality service otherwise you will always look for new clients, Take care of your old clients.
Affordable and Perfect Embroidery Digitizing.
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
that is true.. you have to cut overhead to maintain margin.. constant battle.. haven't heard of any digitizer RAISING prices in quite a few years...
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
Very hard to save some money in digitizing in these days
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
Finding clients is a big issue, and a bigger one is providing quailty support and service.
Id suggest you post a "digitizer available" thread.
:eek: Almost 12000 satisfied customers enjoying just half the price. :eek:
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
Thank you for the feedback embdigitizing. Currently I am breaking off from our embroidery shop with a digitizing only business. I am a one man shop, so getting too many clients would be worse than none at all. Providing only the best in quality is the name of the game! This is why I cannot compete with such low price digitizers such as yourself. $1.50 per 1000 wouldnt quite pay the bills!
Thanks a lot!
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
That is true LNorton, providing top quality services & support is the game. No use working if you cant provide that. The reason behing our prices being so low is that we are an off-shore company with highly skill professional staff. Our volume of business gives the profit which we directly offer to our clients. Prices so low are really not possible if we dont have good volume of work. More over the, professionals and support teams here are extremely happy with the salaries and commission we give them.
:eek: Almost 12000 satisfied customers enjoying just half the price. :eek:
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
Yea, working in the states by myself makes it tough to price that low. I have come up with a pricing strategy that seems to be the norm for businesses such as my own. I can't push out a hug volume like you guys, but am searching for lower volume shops that want designs that sew to perfection and dont break thread.
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
With prices like $1/1000 stc. I don't think you'll have a problem with too many clients. Cheap Digitizing is one of the companies that have put us "small guys" out of business. They eat their young. The market use to be $10/1000 not too long ago. I have a few clients that still pay that because my work is worth that and more. I have used CheapD before and ended up re-digitizing most and editing the others. No trims........ No pull comp where needed....... and the list goes on. It apears they used an auto digitizing software program such as Corel Drawings. Works great for basic shapes with outlines but not worth the hastle.
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
I have to be honest here. Having to charge such a low rate is really painful but to be able to survive, no other way unless to go with the flow. My price rate is very much much higher six months ago as I worship perfection in my works but it declines drasticly as too many competitors offer only low rate, low rate, and low rate.
I hope things will be better as many customers are paying more respect on quality.
Embroidery Digitizing Service
Download our sample files at
US$ 1.5/1000 stitches
Risk Free Payment
Experience since 1995
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
Most people do not shop to much for digi. so guys like chp.digi. use NAFTA type workers to fill larger orders. If your just looking for a few a week you may need to do a little ground work and in turn be able to charge a little more. One idea is to reduce the cost for more stc. drop so-much per 1000:rolleyes:
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
We charge 12-15$ a 1000. and we dont even advertise. Our reputation and word of mouth does us good, also people tired of getting crud from newbes . run a design from someone with more than 10 years experience and you'll know the difference. You could try to get close to an embroidery machine salesman and see if they will throw a costomer your way.
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
Get a web page is a good way to start. You'll get exactly what you are looking for: I want some clients but I don't want too many. (Tho it's kind of strange. Most people want as many as possible).
As long as you are good and can digitize fast, $1.5 or $2 / 1000 stitches still can bring in good money. We don't need to blame offshore digitizers for ruining the market price. If you cannot beat them, join them. I am in the states, I charge the offshore price but still making good profits. :)
Re: Finding Digitizing Clients?
If you haven't already you might join a few embroidery lists and offer to digitize designs when work is needed. Also you might be able to give your name to the software distributor for the software you use. They may have a list of digitizers to give to new embroiderers.
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