
Worn Id's picture

I need to know how to know what code to use in Corel, when using Insert Character.
I need an "e" with a line over it / an upside down "e" / an "a' with a line over it

I finally found the insert character, but have no clue which code to use to get these images... other than going through them one by one and looking... anyone have any ideas??



Paste one in ... I assume you are using PC. So click, Start, Program, Accessories, System Tools, the Characted map... Find your font with the character you need. Copy it from there, then paste it in Corel.

I think thats what your getting at? This way you don't need the code.

Worn Id's picture

that would work if I had the image to paste... a customer brought me an image of what they want, so I am recreating it. I actually just ended up cheating, I turned the "e" upside down and put a line over teh "e" and "a". Just wish I could have found them... frustrates me when I have most of the information, but not enough to complete the task! :P

Thanks for the help, and have a great day!

Laurie :)


Ahhhh ... gotcha'

I assumed you were typing some sort of copy text ... my bad.

Glad you got it, and there's nothing wrong with a little cheating here and there. As long as it gets it done, and looks nice ... right?

Worn Id's picture

looks great! Now I just have to talk them out of the color combo they have chosen...
gonna be hard to read! :P


so you got the solution here. its good to see that. thanks for sharing this. with us.

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