By dubiat on
May. 16, 2011
Hi Folks,
Tony again.
I recently replaced the X limit sensor in y Toyota 850. In the process, I had dissconnected the Y sensor to check it. The tech had me do this. Now when I initialize the machine, my zero point is way off on the Y axis. The X axis is ok. If I have to shut down in the middle f a job. I have to reinitialize at start up and it does not go back to the same point as it should when continuing the embroidery. It ends up at a different spot.Any ideas on how to reset the zero on this thing.
Twin Dragon Embroidery
United States
Re: Machine Not Zeroing Correctly
Hi, I found out what the problem was. the sensors had been put back in wrong. There are two sensors side by side. They had been switched when reinstalling them. Problem solved.
Thanks to those that gave it some thought.