By nolefan97 on
Jan. 28, 2012
Can someone let me know how to check the total stitch count on my machine?? Toyota ESP9000. I'm selling it and want to have the stitch count.
Re: ?check stitch count on my ESP9000
Checking the total stitch count on a Toyota EMB 9000.
Warning: Turn the machine off before setting Test Mode:
You should read the entire process before beginning.
1. Turn the machine off.
2. Access the dip switches on the control module.
On my machine, I took a screw off of the back of the module.
3. Insure the machine is off!
Set the bottom switch to the right most position.
(DSW1-1 only to ON)
4. Turn the machine back on.
The machine should now show TEST MODE on the display.
5. Press the SET key.
The machine should now show Test menu with #1 = Panel.
6. Press the SET key again.
The machine should now show Panel menu.
7. Navigate to the MAINTENANCE selection (#5).
8. Press the SET key again.
This selection should yield an encoded value:
XXX = billions
YYY = millions
ZZZ = thousands
The number is displayed using a ‘CHARLESTON’ code, where
C=9, H=8, A=7, . . . O=1, and N=0.
i.e., the code: NNN NTC ERL == 29,465,000 stitches to date.
9. Write down the displayed value.
10. Turn the machine off.
11. Set the bottom switch to the left position.
(DSW1-1 to OFF).
12. Replace the dip switch cover.
13. Translate the encoded number to find your total stitches.
Viola -- you have your total stitch count to date.
Hope this helps.
p.s. I've attached a word doc with this procedure (I think).
Re: ?check stitch count on my ESP9000
my goodness!! you really have to go through all that?!? wow.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: ?check stitch count on my ESP9000
That info is supposed to be top secret squirrel stuff. Don't know why they want to keep the stitch count secret.
I was told that the stitch count is not really accurate because if you reinstall or reset the software it resets the stitch count. Also if the main board is replaced on the machine it assumes the stitch count from the board. Does anyone know if this is true?
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician