Toyota 850 needle change error

It must be the week for the toyota 850's to have problems. :( Has anyone had needle change errors randomly and on different needles? When it moves to switch needles, sometimes it will throw a needle change error BEFORE it even tries to pick up the spindle and needle socket. We've had it throw an error if it didn't actually pick up the spindle before and very seldom but now it doesn't even cycle through the process before it errors. Even in test mode it will throw a needle change error randomly on different needles. I'm betting on a sensor failing somewhere but not sure where to start looking. Anyone have any troubleshooting advice on this one?


United States

Hi, we have like a same problem, the machine I have Toyota ad850 12 needles
I'am on position of 1st needle then I put the Start on one file to embroidery
and go to the right and pass the 12 needles and show Needle Case Error F1h
and the machine make a sound Beep, we move on the right side the Needle Case Drive Shaft and turn off the sound, then i put start and one more time of the needle 12 to the left pass all needles and make the same problem,
please If you fix your problem please let me know for Try your solution, thanks!

Hello - this is a five-year old thread, but I just figured out that my Needle Change Error on my Toyota 850 was the result of a faulty power supply box. Nice to finally know what was causing the Needle Change Error issue.

I looked up the parts manual and found a series of needle change sensors behind the spindle at the top of the machine. There is a metal bracket that goes through each of these. I believe there are four of them. If you look near the top through the side, you can see them. If these sensors go bad, then you will get a needle change error.[ATTACH]12869[/ATTACH]

Thanks Tony,
I've tested each of those photo sensors on the needle change board and, again, they seem to be working fine. I talked to a tech that thought it sounded like the needle change motor itself may be getting weak plus he suggested checking all the set screws on the spindle holder bar and the eccentric screws on the ends of it. One of those was loose and there was some play in the bar so I adjusted it and removed most of the slop there yesterday. Ran it back through test mode and adjust the height and now it's working better but still having issues on needles 5 & 6. That may all change today since it's been a random problem on different needles which leads me to seeing how the tech's suggestion of a weak motor might be the case. In your diagram, I believe he's talking about #20 instead of #6.....I hope! I'll follow up when I know if the adjustments actually made a permanent difference. Preciate the input!


It seems that there was something stuck in the new (used) sensor that I had bought to solve my problem. Cleaning it out did the trick. You might try blasting all the sensor lens with canned air, or lightly scraping them out very carefully with a thin piece of plastic to clear them out. Maybe they are getting a false reading like I was.

You're quite welcome Rob. Unfortunately, the new sensor didn't solve my problem. I still have the x moter going all the way to the left and locking up on initialization.

try th sensor directly below the tension knobs on the left front of the machine behind the plexiglass. When that went out on mine I had a needle case error fault all the time. Also on the right of the machine there is a small shaft sticking out to adjust where the needle case is on relation to the needles. Try adjusting that a little bit and see if your machine has skipped on the drive a bit for changing needles. If it is even a little off, it won't work right. and thanks for the advice for

Thanks for the pointers. I checked out the sensor behind the needle spindle holders but it seems OK. Since the problem is random though, it could still be the problem and I don't know enough to actually isolate the exact problem. :confused: The needle case knob I was aware of and I've tried tweaking it already but the needle change error persists. There's always a needle case error after we clear the needle change error, since it doesn't cycle completely through the needle change sequence, and we have to manually move the head with the case knob to clear that too. I'm pretty sure it's a sensor or something is out of time on the change sequence but I'm not having much luck fixing this one on my own.
