Let's see, set up a 7 color of 1000 shirts head 10 quit working, called my salesman Robert Barnes no answer. Had to call Brian and he spent a while on the phone with one of my guys, for FREE. We weren't able to get it up and running. For christ sakes this is a NEW press. I think before anyone buys a press you need to know a few things.
1. If the person selling you the press is reputable and stands behind the product.
2. Technical support is available and you will get up and running, I know with Phil at workhorse we never had this problem, and any problems we had we answered asap and fixed. NOTE: we never bought any press from workhorse and they STILL helped us.
3. Make sure PARTS are available in the USA.
4. Make sure they have installers and techs to help you! What good is a warranty if they don't take your call and fix your s h i t.
I will report what happens and how soon it gets resolved.
If my press issues are not addressed and my other press arrives, we will be FORCED to go to court, Also we will be buying other machines. This will be updated here on a daily basis.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Robert, called back and hung up! We tried to call him back 6 TIMES.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
This is unfortunate to hear. Have you swapped out the printhead control panel yet? I'm sure Brian has already gotten you much further than I ever could but I thought I'd ask.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Got off the phone with Robert and he REFUSED to help me.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Jeff what exactly is wrong or going on. At the least maybe someone here can make a good guess on what's going on.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Forget all the bs and rwb for a minute. Why did you buy a Printex? If you answer this honestly, you will realize why you have unresolved issues with your press. This isn't a blue team or any team smart *** comment. Printex USA was the vision of one man and a lot of internet smoke. It was offered at a price that was very attractive. Too attractive? That doesn't mean it is a "bad" machine or can't be fixed, but ***** happens to all machines in all industries. With the right team - in Europe and US - the concept is great, but without a strong support system in sales, service, logistics, etc. to back it up.... wooops!! The old saying "you get what you pay for" is around for a reason. Service isn't free. Parts inventory costs money It's a cost of doing business that eventually shows up somewhere.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Holy $hit "the guy in the east" is still waiting for that flash WTF he was waiting for it back when my press was installed.
Like Alan said did you try swapping the control panel on the heads or are they maybe programmed specifically to each head.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Now Barnes is asking Brian to take on his responsibilities, Nothing is ever Robert's fault!
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
It's a communication issue between the print head and main control. We need to check a few more things, maybe 20 min to find the root trouble.They had to get this order out tonight so they moved some screens around to print. I told Jeff when they get in tomorrow morning to call and I will walk his guy through the rest of the trouble shooting steps to get him running again.
Owner/Operator of Middletownink
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Shame Printex has nobody with your talent or passion.
You are a good guy Brian.
Graphic Disorder
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Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I'm doing this because I can. As far as I know I am not getting paid from Printex but if my services are needed beyond phone conversations someone will have to pay.
Inkman, the sad part about that is if I had the cash (Megan spent it on a new copier) I would buy your machine.
Owner/Operator of Middletownink
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Everybody note:
This is the kind of guy Brian is, Hell he is asked by the guy that acuses him of being a back stabber, to service a press for NO money, and he believes in his product so much that he will help others.
I could at give 2 shlts at the end of the day what brand I have, I just want to get my orders out with little or no down time.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I'm certain that if I requested payment from Printex I would be compensated. Seriously though a few minuets on the phone wont make or break me. I still answer the phone for the guys on the boats.
Owner/Operator of Middletownink
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
OH man, you can't even make this **** up.
Jeff, you could have bought a M&R, Anatol, Work Horse, **** man a BROWN and been running without problems.
Graphic Disorder
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Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
All I wanted was my presses and then my presses fixed. I would like my money back and by another brand. I think that would be the best for all, If that happened I would be GONE! Robert please make that happen, Get all my money back and I will be outta here. Shlt sell something and give me the money and you can sell my presses.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
It's ok Brian.
Robert had some idiot call us and offer ten grand imagine that.
New copier? That musta been one expensive copier lol
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
He told me you were going to sit on that f u c k ing press and it would hurt!
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Come on Jeff I want to hear what kind of stuff was Robert up to concerning my press when he was at your install?
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I am staying out of this mess...but I will say.
At my install, Robert told me he was glad to get my press installed.
He said...he would take care of inkman next.....then he would get Jeff squared away.
He told me he wanted to make it right for everyone.
Many asked why I would switch from Printex a couple of weeks before my install....I know I made a good decision.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Sadly... Intention is irrelevant :(
Brannon Mullins
Spot Color Supply
51 Aiken St
Cartersville, GA 30120
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Who supports the Mustang presses? Where is the office, the parts inventory, the authorized service tech? All machines will have issues sometime. Who's watching your back?
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I called Mustang today....ordered 12 new pallets.
12" X 22" for youth clothing
Mustang has an office in Chicago that has parts
The skeleton is made in poland..then shipped to Chicago for assembly...install all parts.....wiring...etc.
They have all the parts except the main structure there.
In fact...he is sending me a new foot petal.
The wire was set for the load station....he is sending me a new foot petal with a longer wire so I can run the press from the unload station if I want to be a 1 man show.
If I need repair...RWB will handle it.
If not...Mark is the guy in Chicago.
Down the road after warranty.....If I still need someone...I could hire Brian.
Alan even offered to help with it.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Video the screen/functions....
All of em.... Don't forget the seqencing section.
Graphic Disorder
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Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I still want to know how Robert claims he has the exclusive rights to sell Printex,when he owns nothing. This hole will get DEEP and wide soon when the lawsuit from M&R comes out. I was taking to a person today who talked to Robert and he Was pretty upset about the boards and 244. He said Robert doesn't know how he is going to come through this.
All Barnes had to do is give me my presses and fix them when they had issues and he as not.
If I was him I would just give my money back and move on, this isn't going away.
He caused this mess and he is going to have to fix it. I would think 150k would be a CHEAP fix to have all this bad press and more to come I'm sure, to just go away.
Maybe Ted can loan him the money!
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Damn, I need to pick my jaw up off the table. I just got back from an enlightening dinner and I came home to this business, wow. When I left work at 6, I don't think this thread was even 2 pages yet, then after a burger and fries at a great Austin institution on 6th street, we are up to 6 pages and counting. I've been compiling thoughts and opinions on our entire industry and the players within it for a few years now, and I think I've got a pretty good handle on it by now.
This time last year I wondered how the new manufacturer would fair and thought they had issues, but maybe they could work through them, but each day it's looking more and more like that isn't ever going to happen. You can't put this toothpaste back in the tube, or put enough lipstick on this "fatty pig fatty" to make her look good. I'm simply amazed, but not surprised at how all this has played out. I've always hoped things would work out good for everyone that deserved it, and those who don't deserve success would get weeded out. I wish nothing bad to those who work hard and are honest people, this industry is hard enough to have to deal with as it is. I've long held hope that this whole mess would get worked out and things could be fixed well enough but I really don't see a good ending coming in this complex saga. It's entertaining, amusing to some, but I think we'd all agree there is definitely some sad aspects to this.
Ok, time for me to go to bed, hopefully this won't get too out of hand while I'm snoring my a s s off.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Did you fix it yet?
Did you check tightness of all the little screws on the head card plugs? Check tightness of screws on center card distribution connectors? Does it detect the head when you turn on the main display?
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
As for my press and its problems. We all need to remember it is not I that shut tech service out. I initially started only with Robert. I made it clear Robert will never step foot in here again. Then I had to step that up and refuse Brian, Sara, and Robert for fear of intentional sabotage or negative accusations such as Preston trying to blame everything on Operator Error. At that point I made it very clear Poland was welcome anytime to come in here and talk and deal with our machine, even at the least communicate with me through email. It was not until more crap came from Robert that we decided we did not even want the press anymore let alone tech service, we simply wanted it gone and be done with Robert for good. I made an offer to Robert to remove our press for much less than we paid, if he took us up on it he could have sold it with a profit even and the feud between me and him would have ended because I also offered a blanket gag on both of us concerning each other and Printex.
If he took the high road things would have been so much better for both of us, but alas Robert lives for the controversy and drama, he prefers it over doing the right thing.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Brian has got our press running, It took about 45 minutes [ that Robert Barnes wouldn't spend to help us out] and it was a card, we switched it out from another head. This is the forth time we have done this. We Really need parts, never received our parts package.
Brian is the last great hope for Printex, and he is awesome.
As for Robert Barnes, I want my money back. He is terrible to buy from and customer service is non-existant!
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
How many shops did or didn't get the spare parts package that I remember reading about?
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I have a list of all the problems with Printex presses.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
So all these spare parts kits he pimped nobody got one? WTF.
Item not as described.
Was this on your invoice/contract? If so that's breach of contract. Well its already breach of contract since they haven't given you your 3rd press. At this point it's laughable.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
So I understand Robert has an exclusive distribution/service deal for Printex in the US, correct? How long is this contract?
I cannot for the life of me imagine that he has held up his end of that contract 100%. He's reamed everyone he comes in contact with business wise. I'm sure it's barely worth the paper it's written on at this point.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Is Poland even aware of the issues and publicity. Someone should either email them links or screenshots to show the damage the lack of service in quickly resolving issues will cause them in future sales. They need to be able to sort issues if Robert won't or can't. I may be wrong and 244 can correct me but doesn't MnR have a 24/7 helpline. Even in our business we have a 24/7 free phone that diverts to my cellphone and it always gets answered or replied within the hour no matter what time or day.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
From what others have said is ALL email gets fwded right to Robert. So I guess we have to assume they washed their hands of these problems.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
M&R has 24/7 365 days a year service. I've even had 244 call after hours and on weekends to address minor issues.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
When I bought my very first piece of m&r equipment, a red chili flash, it didn't work correctly because the optic sensor needed to be adjusted a little. I posted on a screenprinters.net in the help section about the problem. 2 hours later Rich Hoffman called me on my cell phone and walked me through the small correction. This was on a sunday. That was all I ever needed to know about him and his company.
Down the coastlines with the winds we reign. Men of the north we leave the shores in flames.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Heck I emailed Lawson last night at midnight asking about a used Lawson dryer I bought and got a response 6 hours later on a Saturday even. Although I did not like the response because they want to sell me a manual for $35.00 but at least they got back to me quickly.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Have you seen the price of paper these days....;)
Brannon Mullins
Spot Color Supply
51 Aiken St
Cartersville, GA 30120
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
the $35 was for a download and $55 for hardcopy
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Ridiculous, they must really think people are stupid...
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
This made me think the same thing, dryer works great, customer service response was fast but charging for an attachment to an email is ridiculous
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Same reaction I would have. Sure they have to make money, but charging for a manual isn't the smartest move is it? It's just one of those things that shouldn't cost money. Look at the electronics world, there's a downloadable PDF for everything after the sale, always free. Our industry manu's may not like it, but times have changed.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Sounds kinda like a $20.00 per screen charge to me...?? Actual cost is irrelevant...
Manuals come free with the purchase of a "New" dryer, but used customers don’t bring revenue to a company... Yet they still support you..?? For $35.00 you may be able to fix a problem on your own... Again, bringing no revenue to the company. They answered your call on a Saturday (Again no revenue).
I have tried to get schematics on a "certain brand" of press and was asked to pay $90.00 for them... I understand, because the press was on its 3rd owner, and me working on the press brought no $$$ to the manufacturer...
Not trying to ruffle any feathers, but many printers just don’t understand the cost of servicing machines on their third owner...
BTW... Anatol doesn’t charge for manuals for any of their machines.;)
Brannon Mullins
Spot Color Supply
51 Aiken St
Cartersville, GA 30120
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Yeah I understand they have to make money but it still makes me wonder if I would buy anything new from them.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
You would get a manual if you did lol... :D
Brannon Mullins
Spot Color Supply
51 Aiken St
Cartersville, GA 30120
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Yeah I guess I would, a ten thousand dollar manual, I guess that makes the $55 rather cheap huh?
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
Yeah, a 10K manual and a $55.00 dryer lol...
Brannon Mullins
Spot Color Supply
51 Aiken St
Cartersville, GA 30120
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
M&R and Anatol have both helped me for free on a press that is not even theirs, nuff said.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I was recently fortunate enough to spend half a day with Rich Hoffman, and I was like a sponge the whole time trying to absorb all the knowledge that I could while I had him. Needless to say I learned a hell of a lot that day. I've also spent many hours on the phone and in person with Rick Fuqua and these two guys really care about this industry and the people they've done business with throughout the years. Those two guys also have a tremendous amount of respect for each other and I think that respect sets them apart from some of the other industry guys that we mention on this forum. For reasons only Robert knows, he hasn't treated his competition with near or any respect that they deserve and also many of his customers fall into that as well. When someone thinks they are never among peers or people of equal intelligence or ability, they end up getting humbled in a way that maybe embarrasses them and then hatred and jealousy begins to grow from that experience. It's one thing to have tons of pride about your knowledge and experience but if you're not able to be humble in a way that is healthy, then you will end up bitter and see yourself as the victim, and lack accountability for your actions. There is huge differnce between good healthy competition and bad business ethics but i think some people arent able to see that line or differentiate the two and then all hell breaks loose.
That has nothing to do with this thread but I wanted to mention it because I was thinking about it and wanted to type it before I forgot.
Re: Printex Press PROBLEMS
I agree completely. You can be the "master" at any endeavor in life but if it's not tempered with humility and respect for others your knowledge becomes useless when no one wants to listen anymore.
If you go so far as to refer to yourself as a "game changer" in the third-person, anything you say to me is practically worthless.