By SamIAm888 on
Feb. 16, 2012
I have aquired an older model (I believe) Press A Print. I can't seem to find a Model number on it anywhere!!! It's missing a few parts, and I can't seem to find parts for ANY pad printer anywhere! I've stumbled on a few sites that offer inks and plates, but no accessories. If anyone that has found parts for these could give me a hint as to where to go I would be grateful...or if someone would like to buy it cheap and take it off of my hands before I blow a gasket that would be GREAT!
Re: Pad printing supplies?!
Re: Pad printing supplies?!
Anyone know any pad printer suppliers?
Re: Pad printing supplies?!
don't all answer at once!
Re: Pad printing supplies?!
You're probably going to have to go to Press A Print for parts. They cater to the "Home Based" market and most professional pad shops wouldn't touch them with a 10' pole.
For Ink, Thinners, Pads, Plates etc. A quick google search will turn up ITW Transtech, Marabu, Kent, Weiderhold, Inkcups Now and dozens of others.
If you have a QM-7 or other non-Pneumatic type you're going get get most companies you contact for support and supplies to try to up-sell you to a semi-automatic type of press, and for good reason. I've been padprinting for 20+ years and wouldn't attempt to run a manual crank style machine as a business. Too many variables in the process already that you need to have 99.9% right to achieve good prints, throw in manually cranking a machine and you're starting off with 2 strikes against you.
Sorry, just my brutally honest $.02