Poorly digitized or my error?

I had a business logo commissioned by a customer and sent over the design to a digitizer I've been using for the last month or so. Her quality of work up to this point has been pretty great, but this was the most expensive design I've paid her to do. I did a sample of it and noticed a handful of very obvious flaws.

She is now saying I did not provide enough backing to the garment and that it wasn't framed properly which I think is a bunch of hogwash. I'd appreciate if I could get some opinions on this. Digitizing error or mine?


mutha! its a bad design. like really bad. not only is the registration unnecessarily way off, its flat and boring and could have way much more character. that's without even looking at the file. you DID use backing, correct? and hooped it tight? that doesn't look like super stretchy fabric. what looks like the mouses head that is yellow on the left of the crown, looks to me like it should have been part of the tool...like the crown hanging on the tool?

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

sorry, i just saw your note about the "mouses" head. yeah, i looked like it should have been the same color as the tool. her stitch direction is begging for the registration to go off. if i were you i'd ask for my money back.

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

"Mouse's head" :lol:

It's actually the top portion of the tattoo gun, but she mistakenly put it as the same color as the crown. Thanks for the feedback, I'll have to ask her nicely to redesign this thing.

Can't edit posts? Blah! Yea, I did use a decent amount of backing as the logo was fairly dense, frame was tightened as far as it would go.

hahaha, yeah, it looks like a mouses head in the zoomed in pic! was this done for left chest? what were the dimensions on it? i don't think her reworking it is going to make it look much better. the new one may be in registration, but all she's going to do is stretch the fill. it won't be right.

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

minimalist's picture

Crash and burn digitizing. If you want borders around everything that needs to be done on the outside of an area of fill first and then do the interior detail. What is the operational order?