
Worn Id's picture

Now that we have a new machine, we are looking at updating our embroidery pricing... not to mention we have not changed it in over a year. What kind of formulas are you guys using?? Do you charge by the stitch or by the size of the stitchout?? We have a company that we used to use as a guideline adn they went from stitch count to size... on a current job that I am working on it is over 14,000 stitches but quite small, by the old pricing it would be roughly $12 each, with the new size pricing, it is only $7.25. I can't see it making sense to loose $5.00 on each item!! Any ideas???

Laurie :)

United States


SkyLinePrints's picture

i've tried several different methods but it always comes back to stitch count. your machine speed is based on stitch count which equates to production time. productino time is what you need to cover in my opinion since its your highest expense (in most cases) which is why it always comes back to stitch count.

my .02 :-)

Have a great day! :)

Nathan Harrison
Skyline Prints Embroidery and Screen Printing
4982 Bill Gardner Pkwy
Locust Grove, GA 30248
(770) 914-1558
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Worn Id's picture

Thanks Nathan! :)


Robert Young's picture

I agree, stitchcount still drives pricing for profit. Time is money as they say and that is where your time is. I can see where digitizing could be priced differently based on time and degree of difficulty, but not actual embroidery production. Do you also charge extra for applique, 3D foam or anything else that is just not plain standard embroidery?

Modern Embroidery Designer

Worn Id's picture

Thanks Robert!

Actually no, we do nothing but standard embroidery at the moment, although with our nw maching we have the capability to do more including Applique. I think we realize we will need to definatly charge more then.

We actually did stick with stitchcount to determine customer cost. Making sure we were competive but not cutting our own throats! :p

Have a great day! :)



the us is insane for pricing.
mind you i have 100 heads and alot of orders and i still make a bundle:)

the going rate is about 1$ per thousand if its a high stitchcount u budge to maybe 60-75
if its a good customer u come down a bit,
all depends on the size of the job.

but start at 1$ per k and than go from there

if your going to lose a job go 70cents per k

money is money

Worn Id's picture


We did start at $1/1,000 and then came down .10 at particular price breaks... keeping it competive! :)



Worn Id's picture

Holy cow!! Thanks insane!!

Glad it works for you! :)


I read that and almost cry... 1$ per 1000st.. for embroidery. There, in Ukraine, the best price - 0.20-0.25$ per 1000st.
Actually is better to order embroidery in Ukraine and sell it in USA...
If I was taking 1$ per 1000st - I would be a millionare...

I charge $2.50 per thousand for name dropping..... whoops. lol

Ok, I should probably elaborate on the above.

We charge $2.50 for your average one-off walk in, for a name on someone's jacket, which i know is very high. mainly cause we don't really want to be bothered with the onesies, however, lately, we've found that $2.50 is about the going rate for name dropping around Boston, MA. So I guess we're not as expensive as we used to be.

I don't do a lot of contract embroidery, I do have a pricing policy that we follow, and its based off $1/k and $1.25/k on caps. with discounts for quantity, and I tend to give a lil bit of a break on larger designs. I try to steer them away from contract, I don't want to deal with them shipping in their own blanks, us ruining a few, and yadda yadda yadda. However, like dan said, its money, take it, and I do.

I am a supplier as well, If they BUY the garment from me, which is ideally what I want them all to do, I generally mark the garment up accordingly and then charge 25-50 cents per K for embroidery.

Example (based on 144 pcs): A very nice 6 panel cap costs about $.65 cents (USD) which would get marked up to the customer x5 keys to $3.25 then say a 10k stitch design is being sewn, so I would charge about 40 cents (cause its a cap) so $4 for 10/k stitches. $3.25 for cap and $4.00 for embroidery, is $7.25 per cap