By inkman996 on
Feb. 17, 2012
I decided to make this video to protect my a$$. Because of Roberts actions and deception in the pass I figured I should make some videos of issues I do have on the press before Andrew and Robert come to visit. I am worried Robert will leave and post all my issues are fabricated or as Preston would say operator error.
So here is the vid of the stroke length or lack of I should say.
United States
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Mike Pizzo has a tiny stroke length hahahahahaha
"The Ultimate Senior Member"
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
And this is what you did to him.
swindle[ swin-dl ]
verb (used with object)
1.*to cheat (a person, business, etc.) out of money or other assets.
2.*to obtain by fraud or deceit.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Having trouble getting the vid
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
...heres the link, Ink!
Printex max stroke length - YouTube
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
:eek: unreal. Isn't it advertised with a 20" print capability???? Best case scenario it falls 2" SHORT??!?!
Down the coastlines with the winds we reign. Men of the north we leave the shores in flames.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
As you can imagine not getting the stroke length advertised is a huge issue for us, I was mortified when I put my first twenty inch graphic on press and I could not come close to printing it.
Next week I will probably do a vid on the three air leaks I have, one is getting to the point it has to be fixed, but sadly my spare parts list did not have the gasket oh wait I did not have a spare parts kit. And amazingly the support person has not sent me the parts I need yet to fix the leaks yet I have a warranty hmmmm.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Being heavy handed, I would break several things on that print head. It doesn't seem like it would hold up to the grind our press goes through. Seems more like 16 inch maximum clean print. What's the biggest you've printed on there?
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
I beat my head one time to get 18 and it was not ideal either for a print.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
It looked like 18 with no play but that eliminates any hope of the ink shearing and the mesh rebounding cleanly. Did they even measure the maximum print size before they wrote the advertised specs?
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Looks fine to me. Falls within standard Polish tolerances: 20" plus-or-minus 6".
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Down the coastlines with the winds we reign. Men of the north we leave the shores in flames.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
I just want to protect myself from being called a liar. Remember when I first posted about this,issue Robert went to the other hurricane he installed down south that hurricane was specially ordered to have a longer stroke length because the company printed flags, he took pics of a tape measure showing something like 30" strokes and tried to bs the world as that being standard. What I am curious about is what Andrew can or will offer to resolve the issue.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Ink, I know this is probably a silly question, but is the diametre or footprint the same as advertised? Makes no difference in the overall scheme of things but wondering if the arms were fitted short, or weather they are shorter arms, and if correcting the stroke length would increase the footprint. In your opinion would you say it is complete design error that would be across the hurricane model or could it be fitting and construction on your press only? Either way is academic because what was delivered was not to specified advertised, and the problem wasn't rectified in a timely and professional manner.
Great video by the way, love YouTube clips!!
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Without seeing the press I always wondered if there was something that could be done to make the stroke longer with the existing print heads, but Rich saying it won't after seeing the press answers that question. I had previously thought that maybe there was room on the inner part of the print head to move the components back and make better use of the room that's there, and adding a longer carriage rail if it needed it. Having to completely remove and install new print heads is not a major task, but when it's something that should have never needed to be done in the first place, it makes the task 10 times more difficult to me.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
I do not believe any on head adjustments could get you the twenty inches that's because the rear hanger is literally hanging off the rail when all the way back so with out replacing that whole rail assembly it would never print twenty.
Wizard I do believe the diameter is as advertised which does tell me a major engineering snafu happened.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
You guys will love this! Below is an email from robert to me the boss and Andrew (supposedly) please read and the next post is my reply.
Hello Andrew :-)
As you know there are some "Problem Children" in the Printex Family ... Below is a link to a tactic that one of them have resorted to ...*
based on the tone of the YouTube video within the forum post ... we will be walking into a hostile situation with this press operator (Inkman - cc'd) ...*What is strange about this is that the owner of this company (Dan - cc'd) had a phone call with me the other day and agreed to a productive meeting during your "Coming to America" visit ... my hope is that by cc'ing the company owner (Dan) he may explain to his employee that harassment and extortion are both illegal and the YouTube links will be deleted :-(
Note: I know you are on an install in Serbia -but- we need to talk :-@
Robert Barnes
Spider Machines
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
My reply
Andrew please do not read into this garbage from Robert. The YouTube video is for my protection from Robert, in the past he has lied and deceived his customers including me.mthe mans behavior forces us normal working people to defend our selves. Andrew when I get to work Tuesday I will gladly show you the post Robert made stating he was going to sabotage our machine if he got the chance. It was because of that threat we had to take drastic action and refuse Robert Barnes from entering our facility. Me and the owner agreed to allow him to return only because of your presence, we sincerely want to discuss with you Andrew our current issues, I currently have many technical issues on our press some require simple parts that Robert has refused to send me even tho our warranty covers these parts.
As for the video Andrew it does not lie and certainly is not illegal as paranoid Robert makes it out to be, the video is solely to protect our selves from Robert in the future.
Andrew if you would respond to this email and please provide a number I can reach you at, it has come to my attention that other emails in the past I sent to Peter were never received by him or he simply ignored, this is serious stuff going n here in the USA and,I hope you have the professionalism to deal with a customer of yours and stop throwing us to,the sole mercy of Robert.
Also there is absolutely zero hostility awaiting you in this country that is something Robert is fabricating,to manipulate your visit. You can and and should speak to all customers here first and verify your visit will be well received.
Sent from my iPad
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Now Robert is claiming the video is harassment and extortion? WTF planet is he from? Can someone seriously really explain to me where he gets extortion from? Who am I extorting? So by asking for resolutions to it press that is not as advertised that is extortion?
And since when does a video showing a product what it can or can't do be called harassment? If you do not like it then do not sell something that is not as advertised and something you will refuse to support.
All I can think of is all the posts vids and pics of competitions machines all in a bad light all by Robert but now he is crying Like a little ****** he is because I posted a video.
Come and reply Robert explain to the public how I am in the wrong, how on earth you see extortion and harassment?
Oh yea and good luck getting the vid removed from you tube lol
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
He does not have the
to face you and the truth.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Hate to say it but I called it the other day. I tried to find the post but it must have been deleted. To cover his tracks Robert will use the posts here on Digitsmith to try to scare Andrew into not coming. Reading between the lines all I see (honestly this is just my take on the situation, I have no insider information) is Robert bailing on Printex and it's customers and placing the blame on someone else. IMO he owes them a ton of money and has no way out so just abandon the project, sort of like someone walking away from a house going into foreclosure.
If I was Andrew I would be more frightened of Robert and the things a desperate man would do then a bunch of level headed shop owners.
Inkman, my suggestion to accomplish the 20" was to send over six new print heads with linear rails, wiring and air lines. It would have added to the diameter of the machine but not by much more. Then swap the parts from the old heads to the new. If the suggestion went any further then Robert I have no idea.
Owner/Operator of Middletownink
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Here is the real problem with this. It's not that they built, then shipped, then installed the WRONG press (mistakes happen, we are all human). It's how it was handled afterwards that is the real issue here. Support staff in place went to another shop to attempt to prove him wrong (even though the presses were not actually the same) and then deny deny deny. 3rd party was brought in or decided to say it was user error.
Here we are approaching a year later, no resolution.
Inkman, email Andrew the poll I created about his visit. I think that clears up any myths on if he is welcome in the USA.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
OH MY GOD, seriously? The tone in that video wasn't even remotely close to hostile, or anything resembling a word with a similar meaning. How ridiculous is that, harrassment? Posting a video of what a press cannot do that it is supposed to be able to do is called harrassment these days? I can't believe what I read in that email. This is how I feel about this recent string of events, or should I say feelings.
The Godfather - U can act like a man.avi - YouTube
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
****'s wack y'all.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
For the record... When Robert was at Ted's he said the ONLY way to fix your problem and make it print as advertised was to replace the heads.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
So if he knows that (which was obvious from GO), why hasn't he just shipped in new heads, and had Brian set them up?
Graphic Disorder
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Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
I was told by Andrew and quote
Now if that is true why is Hurricane still being advertised as 20, and my real question is who made the decision to advertise it at 20 knowing they do not build it as such?
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Did you show him the link to your press. Whats your invoice say.
16x20 clearly here:
Any update on Andrew's Visit, not that I feel like anything will get solved.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
What is the "hurricane"'s equivalent on their website? The "Numatico" is advertising 50cm x 50cm which is 19.6" and the Minimatic is advertising 40cm x 40cm which is just under 16".
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
That's all from printex USA web sites which of course leads back to Robert, if anyone should be responsible it should be him ifmh knew he was falsely advertising press specs. I am just waiting on Andrews visit to see what happens, I had some back and forth emails with Andrew directly and hopefully something can be resolved. We will see.
I also made very clear to andrew I have no hostility to him nor have any intention of turning his visit into some kind of freak show unlike someone we know.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Id just like to note that when they posted all of their specs and they quickly didn't make any sense I knew it was going to have issues. Then when the machine didn't even match the picture on the site, just a clue to more problems coming. It was clear early that they were flying by the seat of their pants.
22x32 max frame, huh? Come again? LOL Standard frames are 23x31s and 25x36's. Design your machine around those. Dur......
This is common sense stuff guys.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
I am on an iPad so I can't visit a fash site can some one check printexeu site and see what the specs are for the hurricane.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Owner/Operator of Middletownink
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
The mini matic is stating a 40x40cm image size.
These guys stole raw materials from Anatol when they worked there to get Printex up & going.
Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
They stole over 80k from me.:cool:
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Where is your proof or is this dangerous speculation. Look, I am not defending Printex, but I don't think any comments like the above to do with any company should be published online without you have evidence to back that up.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Good one Brian but unfortunately that is roberts marketing brochure in fact that is even my press in the picture. I am just curious what the European site lists for specs.
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
I may be mistaken but there was no "Hurricane" before Bobby. The Hurricane is a Numatico with servo and AC heads. I would assume you made your choice based on what was published on the US site. Funny they were making the flyer for the Spectrum while installing mine.
Owner/Operator of Middletownink
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
My Printex Prism ll should be called MAGIC poof there it isn't!
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
How big can your Spectrum print Jeff? Maybe there is print area problems there too?!?
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
on head nine it's for show because it won't go! and the one in the back is called the dust collector, it won't print on head nine either. It prints FU Bobby real big. LMAO
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Jeff's press prints 100 miles x 100 miles.
We can really make anything we want up about it since it doesn't exist!
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
I am not defending Printex, but I don't think any comments like the above to do with any company should be published online without you have evidence to back that up.
You are entitled to your opinion, but you sure weren't saying the same to barnes when he was slaying every other mfg.
Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Hmmm...someone is starting to do some investigating. You know what they say...where there is smoke....................there's more than raw materials.:cool:
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
Why the 6" line. Is that standard on all sq/fb setups?
Re: Printex hurricane max stroke length
I vented about some of the unsubstantiated things said about 244, and where parts were nobodies business be they factual, correct, or made up.
I give up how many times I have had words, albeit ineffectual with Robert, and that is not just posted, but private messages and phone conversations.