By sewingladytrishie on
May. 29, 2010
Don't throw away your Renaissance Mini Machine because your Magellan software no longer has support, and DON'T pay $1800 to a company just to keep your machine running! You have options! As long as you still have your Navigator software which doesn't require a registration code, you can still embroider. All you need is the proper embroidery format which is Melco's EXP language.
I have at least three different software programs to meet your needs, starting at as little as $269!! Let me know if you are interested and I will get you the information you need!
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
I have a Renaissance machine and ended up with same problem. It’s easy fix.
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
I would like to purchase one of your programs...
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
I would like to buy one of these programs..
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
My magellan fonts disc screwed up, says zip file corrupt, anyone help with this???
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
Maybe it is too late for me to post you but were you able to solve your problem.
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
Still having that problem? What OS is your machine running?
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
I want to buy the software for renaissance cantare
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
I have the machine renaissance cantare you need the software to run it am interested
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
Hi. i still have the original cd with the basic software on it.but it needs a activation code. Will your still work. Does you offer any warranty???
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
I need the activation code for megallan embroidery software. my Email is and ph number 214-245-9674 thanks for your advices.
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
Hello, this is Gilbert from Cape Coral Florida US.
I find your mail in a Forum related embroidery machine RENAISANCE. I have a problem with one that bought year ago and put in my garage til this week, lost contact with the ex owner, and try to start up but have all software with keys etc, but require the activation number from manufacturer, and Renaissance is out of business and now is a Prodigy the new company and don’t want give me the activation number they want sale a new software for $1500.00 I retired and expense my saving in a machine no had begin yet in a business, Could you help me with this information please. ?
The software is Magellan Embroidery software for Renaissance Model Cantare.
Thanks for your time.
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
It’s easy to fix
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
I would like to hear about the program options. How can I purchase the programs?
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
I just purchased a Renaissance and it did not come with Renaissance Navigator and anyone tell me what I need to do to get it are am I just out $4,000.00? My email is
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
Hi, I also would like to hear more about the programs??
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Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
I have a copy of Navigator I can e-mail to you.
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
Does anyone have an activation code they can email me. My computer crashed and now I can't use my magellan program. email me at or Thanks in advance
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
I know its been a while since your post, but I would like to get the navigator program so that I can re-install it, my machine is not recognizing com 1 or the machine
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
I would like more info on your programs. I have both Magellan and navigator but Magellan has like 6 fonts and I need more than that. is the email thanks.
Re: Renaissance Mini / Magellan Issues....
I am looking at purchasing a Renaissance Machine, but it does not come with the needed software. I have a copy of the Magellan software but no activation codes. I don't want to purchase the machine without seeing it run, and cannot afford to purchase the software Prodigy is selling? Will I also need the Navigator software? Does anyone have an activation code and advice for me? My email is you can also txt me at 616-291-0950. Thanks Carla