
Good morning world! I have my question for the day.............I am looking to start charging for rush orders. As of now our standard turn around time is 8-10 business days, however people call in all the time asking if they can get something sooner then our normal time. I am thinking of charging an extra 25% for 7-5 days and 50% for 4-2 days. Or 15% for 7-5 days & 30% for 4-2 days. What say you all?


Our standard leadtime is 4 to ten working days.
3 day turnaround we have the right to charge 25% surcharge
48 hour turnaround we can add 50%
36 hour 100% may apply
24 hour 200% may apply
12 hour 400% may apply

We don't exercise in winter but sometimes in busy periods. Usefull for TV Commercial work where it's all last minute and anything late can incur $10k an hour penalty for late delivery to have them stand down. Also pulls customers who are habitually sloppy in leaving till last minute then giving quick leadtime to so they organize themselves better.

Surcharge applies to printing related costs and not garment cost. We explain paying staff penal rates, alcohol bribes and shouting dinner when they work late to make their job happen.

Depends on what your area is willing to pay, whether you are busy or not ect. Those look like realistic fees though, so it boils down to whether customers want their order that bad. We offer it too, but find that some customers will either opt out because of the added cost, or just wait for standard time, rarely have anyone willing to pay, but like I said, it really depends on your area and client base, but you are on the right track numbers wise anyway,

best of luck!!

What is the size of your shop? what is your normal turn around time? Is the art usually get to go when you get it?

We are a smaller shop, 1-6 color manual, and 1-9 color auto, 5 person staff, but we turn around a lot of work. We keep a standard as 5-7 business days, but most of the time, without rushing, we are more like 3-4 days, as an in-house standard. But, and big BUT, the timeline starts after all art is approved and 50% deposit is made. As far as print ready art, it's an 80/20 with us, we create more than we are supplied, or, the art supplied needs a lot of work before a digital/print ready proof is ready. We used to start the time line before the art was nailed down, and it's nearly impossible to guarantee the timeline on certain customer's needs. Some people will go back and forth with you for a couple weeks on a project, keep that in mind in your billing as well. Usually when we install a rush fee, is when we, " know" the job will put any type of tension on us.