Seller will not respond

I found this forum and made an agreement to purchase an embroidery machine from a pretty active seller in the classified section of this website. After much assurance and negotioation we agreed to make a deal and I wired 2500.00 to the seller and began trying to make arrangements to have the machine picked up.

It is now almost 2 months later and I have called, emailed and texted well over 100 times and had very little communication. Wednesday I finally threatened this action and was told that they would contact me by Friday night which came and went obviously.

I have purchased supplies, built an addition to my place to hold the 6 head machine and have pending orders and cannot get the seller to cooperate with me all I want is to be able to pick it up.

The communication in the beginning was timely and very impressed with seller.
I am now giving the seller the opportunity to respond and make this right by tonight or I will name them and then begin posting on all of their classifed ads for machines.

I am a reasonable decent man and I only want what I have contracted for and need this resolved.

Good luck. Sorry to hear that you are going through this. Hopefully you have emails and voice mails as proof so that if need be you can take them to court for the return of your money.