swf question

well, we've not had an embroidery machine in about 8-10 years, and the hubby is thinking about starting that end of things up again. he's been leaning towards swf because he likes the quick change thing to switch between flats and caps. we went to the ISS show in nashville and he saw the 1x1 (or dual function?)...the two head, where the heads run independently. does anybody have experience with this machine? a tech told us that the x and y cards go bad because both heads run on the same shaft...but i don't know if i should believe that or not because we were initially talking to him about buying a different machine. any help would be greatly appreciated!

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

thanks, appreciate that. i think we have it worked out. having trouble getting it to read designs through the usb...i think our thumb drive is too big. got a couple smaller ones coming today. fingers crossed...thanks!

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

There are SWF machines that are good and then their is the dual function SWF machines which I would avoid at all cost.

Try finding a dual function owner that has owned one for a long time and that is happy with their machine. That will be tough person to find I promise. Not to mention half the SWF techs dont even know much about the dual function machines so service could be an issue as well.

Keep this in mind, you have two machines basically welded together now operating as one. If your doing stitches on one going left to right and the other going front to back that is really asking for alot of vibrations to happen in opposite directions. That is just a small part of the reason that I think they are a bad idea in general.

With the current news about SWF I am sure that anyone that has them in stock would love to unload them and most likely at a good price but personally that is the one model SWF that I would definitely avoid as I have heard bad things about them many times since they came out. Some of the old SWF dealers would actually talk you out of buying that machine because they knew it was not very good.

If your looking at SWF machines then their are other models that are much more desirable to own and I think would be a much better investment over a dual function machine !

Whenever I get that 300 error, I rotate the knob until the beeping stops, then hit a different needle number on the control panel and that seems to clear the problem... hope that helps!

You have probably already came to the correct conclusion but when I had my 1501T the tech told me 2GB thumb drives were the max it can accept.

Robert Young's picture

my machines are all SWF.. but I agree with LogoAdvantage to stay away from the model you mention. sorry.. I understand the excitement and potential possibilities........ but "NO" just sayin.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young's picture

LogoAdvantage wrote:

Try finding a dual function owner that has owned one for a long time and that is happy with their machine.

What you have just written is SO important for ANY major purchase in our industry. with one major caveat..... is there a neighbor that is a great tech? lol..

Modern Embroidery Designer

The problems I have heard thru the years from when this model came is is that often it will run along and then the embroidery will start to not look good. Personally I think that issue was possibly related to vibrations in the machine caused by the different pantorgraphs moving in opposite directions.
Service and support on this model may be harder as well as parts availability.
Note many SWF Techs can fix SWF Equipment however they may not know anything about the dual function machine because they are not very popular so there are not that many in the field to start with.
Others that I have met that were selling SWF in the past would avoid selling that model because they knew the other SWF models were more reliable and better performers.
With that said,
I agree with Robert, Do you have a SWF tech near you.
If the answer is yes call them to ask if they have worked on the Dual Function machines in the past and what they feel about the equipment.
Have you found a owner that has owned this model for any time and that is still happy with the machine ?
I totally understand why this concept may not be a good idea which is also why other companies that make embroidery machines have never produced equipment of this nature. I would much rather have two single head machines than a two head dual function machine personally.

Robert Young's picture

I agree with the two separate machines vs an all in one type... think about the TVs with the vcr at the bottom.. all in one... or the copy/fax/printer/scan machines.... THOSE are large corporations... we still have machines with 3.5 disks for goodness sake.. if those corporations cannot get all in ones to work then what makes any of us think that those in our relatively small industry can get theirs to work??

Modern Embroidery Designer

took the advice and picked up our 2012 1501 yesterday. just set it up last night and keep getting an error 300 on it which apparently means that the needle isn't aligning with the plate. online says just change the needle or turn the knob on the head until the beeping stops, but as soon as we try to change the needle we get the 300 again. ideas? now i remember why i like digitizing better! :0)

digitizing...since 1996. dixiedesigns.net

digidana wrote:
took the advice and picked up our 2012 1501 yesterday. just set it up last night and keep getting an error 300 on it which apparently means that the needle isn't aligning with the plate. online says just change the needle or turn the knob on the head until the beeping stops, but as soon as we try to change the needle we get the 300 again. ideas? now i remember why i like digitizing better! :0)

You have my number you could just text or call me and I can help you even though you didn't buy a machine from me.