thread supplier

hi i am just starting my buisness and i am working on finding a distributer to purchase my threads from i would like a good quility thread if anyone could suggest some suppliers i would greatly apreciate it thank you sheila

We use Madeira Poly Neon and have nothing but great results.

Sew Fine Designs

SunEmbroidery's picture

I use Madeira poly because it runs well although I think Madeira overcharges for shipping and handling. I started using Madeira rayon but it didn't run as well. A lot of people claim you can run almost any brand on your machine as long as your tensions are set for that thread while others claim that only one particular brand runs well on their machine.

I've actually switched for Madeira to Robison-Anton. I find the quality to be about the same. Madeira may be a little smoother. However, I got into a fight with Madeira.

They charge you a processing fee on all orders now, it used to be just a small order fee if you did not meet the minimum. They are now charging more, if you do not order in full cases (12 cones).

The full case thing I don't have such a problem with, that was never a big issue for me. Then they start charging me a 2% or 3% "proceesing fee" on ALL my orders. I think not. I am not paying them to process my orders. They should be happy I am even ordering.

I was spending about $5,000 to $7,000 a MONTH with them.

R.A. thread is cheaper (a little) AND I get my orders shipped free with NO processing fees. I guess Madeira is taking lessons from the DMV these days. Oh well, their loss.