By pierrem on
Oct. 04, 2013
After some troubles starting the old machine (build 1992 ...), I had to change an electronic card and now it works.
Almost ...
The problem, as far as I understand, is to communicate between a PC and the machine.
Does someone have this machine in production ?
If yes, what software do you use, with which system (MS-Dos, Windows ...version?)
I've tried several found on the Net, but still the same "communication error #2" on the machine.
I actually use
Win 7 PC -> USB to RS232 -> 9 to 25 pins -> original Toy cable -> machine
As far as I can see, data are well exchanged but not enough to start an embroidery job ...
Help appreciate
Re: Toyota AD 820 ... which software should I use ?
Hi I just bought a Toyota expert 851 ESP don't have the program to work it I was told I didn't need it don't know what to do I was reading what you wrote and I was wondering if you can help preciate it if you can thank you
Re: Toyota AD 820 ... which software should I use ?
Assuming you have a serial connection from the Toyota machine to your PC and the correct serial cable type
Download and install Embroidery Fonts Plus:
Configure your computer's COM port that the machine is connected to. To do this(assuming Windows XP), goto Windows "Start" --> "Control Panel" --> "System" --> "Hardware" --> "Device Manager" --> "Ports" --> "Communications Port (COMx) - where "x" is a number typically COM1, and then "Port Settings".
Bits per Second: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: Odd
Stop Bits: 2
Flow Control: Hardware
Run EFP, and first goto "Options" --> "options" and then the "emb machine manager" tab. Select the correct COM port you configured previously that the machine is connected to and set the machine type to "toyota". To transfer a DST file, goto "File" --> "Open" and choose the DST file you wish to load. It should open in a black box inside of EFP. Leave this file open on the computer and goto the toyota machine.
On the embroidery machine, enter the command to accept a file from the serial connection to the PC. On Toyota 850/860's this sequence is DATA then SET then 0 then 1 then set again. Data transfer light should flash green if it's transferring the DST file. Consult your operator's manual for the specific sequence to use to accept a file over a serial connection if it's not the same as the 850/860 sequence.
Re: Toyota AD 820 ... which software should I use ?
Also for the 820, there are some differences it looks like in transferring files from the PC. The best information I've seen on using EFP to transfer files to an 820 are here: We don't run any 820's so hopefully that will help anyone with an 820 to get everything working.
Re: Toyota AD 820 ... which software should I use ?
Did you ever find software to work with your Toyota?
I have a Toyota 820 and Designer series software from pantograms, only they no longer support it. We had to reinstall windows on our PC and now I am having trouble configuring the Pantograms software...what worked for you?