Toyota AD 820 ... which software should I use ?


After some troubles starting the old machine (build 1992 ...), I had to change an electronic card and now it works.
Almost ...

The problem, as far as I understand, is to communicate between a PC and the machine.

Does someone have this machine in production ?
If yes, what software do you use, with which system (MS-Dos, Windows ...version?)

I've tried several found on the Net, but still the same "communication error #2" on the machine.
I actually use
Win 7 PC -> USB to RS232 -> 9 to 25 pins -> original Toy cable -> machine

As far as I can see, data are well exchanged but not enough to start an embroidery job ...

Help appreciate

Hi I just bought a Toyota expert 851 ESP don't have the program to work it I was told I didn't need it don't know what to do I was reading what you wrote and I was wondering if you can help preciate it if you can thank you

Assuming you have a serial connection from the Toyota machine to your PC and the correct serial cable type

Download and install Embroidery Fonts Plus:

Configure your computer's COM port that the machine is connected to. To do this(assuming Windows XP), goto Windows "Start" --> "Control Panel" --> "System" --> "Hardware" --> "Device Manager" --> "Ports" --> "Communications Port (COMx) - where "x" is a number typically COM1, and then "Port Settings".

Bits per Second: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: Odd
Stop Bits: 2
Flow Control: Hardware

Run EFP, and first goto "Options" --> "options" and then the "emb machine manager" tab. Select the correct COM port you configured previously that the machine is connected to and set the machine type to "toyota". To transfer a DST file, goto "File" --> "Open" and choose the DST file you wish to load. It should open in a black box inside of EFP. Leave this file open on the computer and goto the toyota machine.

On the embroidery machine, enter the command to accept a file from the serial connection to the PC. On Toyota 850/860's this sequence is DATA then SET then 0 then 1 then set again. Data transfer light should flash green if it's transferring the DST file. Consult your operator's manual for the specific sequence to use to accept a file over a serial connection if it's not the same as the 850/860 sequence.


Did you ever find software to work with your Toyota?

I have a Toyota 820 and Designer series software from pantograms, only they no longer support it. We had to reinstall windows on our PC and now I am having trouble configuring the Pantograms software...what worked for you?