By Robert Young on
Aug. 17, 2012
Hi, do you as a digitizer offer Saturday and/or Sunday Service or just Mon-Fri?
Is there a premium for such service if you do offer either or both options?
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Weekend Digitizers?
We are in India, we offer 7 days a week and on same prices as regular orders.
Re: Weekend Digitizers?
Embroideriers here use digitizers in other time zones and hemispheres for work +/- day forward or back or overnight and tidy up themselves as well but foreign offers email in the afternoon and ready to rock the next morning, so local and offshore mix can speed process up.
Re: Weekend Digitizers?
Megrisoft, is it common to work 7 days a week there or do you have a special shift for the weekend? if so, do they make any more money or the same as the others? we call it a "shift differential" here... night shift for example might make more per hour in general than day shift, etc.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Weekend Digitizers?
Bringing this older post to life... Digitizers do you offer weekend services now?
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Weekend Digitizers?
I don't. I digitize Monday through Friday. If I'm not doing anything, then I might crank one out, but I don't promise any work over the weekend.
Specializing in custom embroidery digitizing.