By varsityink on
Nov. 12, 2013
if anyone can bottle some secret formula for these things they'll be a couple hundred dollaraire. I even tried straight water in the zim gun and blew a hole straight through that puppy. Still took the dye out! Please tell me someone has a solution that works. These make for very expensive rags.
United States
Varsity Ink
serving the Statesboro, Milledgeville, and Savannah, GA areas t-shirt and promotional items needs
"Passionate about Printing"
Re: zimming comfort colors!
If you can catch the spot before it's dry, a quick spray of some screeno, denatured alcohol, or lacquer thinner can get the spot out. Some color combos work better than others, and if it is a big spot of ink on a light garment, you might be SOL. Works best for darker garments, and will leave a ring if not dried quickly. I do my best not to ever use garment dyed for this very reason. Expensive rags indeed!
Re: zimming comfort colors!
I agree, a big ink spot would be just a waste of time to try and remove on a Comfort Colors tee. Personally I have found small ink spots easier to clean after they've gone through the dryer it also reduces any ink migration you might get when cleaning a wet ink spot. A less aggressive cleaning solution is probably also the way to go.
Re: zimming comfort colors!
Your screwed. You can't buzz comfort colors...