By powerstitch on
Mar. 22, 2012
Customer Name: TREBALLO
We received this enquiry on 9th feb 2012.
Based on their email we decided to do it for free so punched it and sent it back to them in wilcom format within few hours.
Since then we have emailed them several times asking for their thoughts on the design, but we have had no replies at all.
This customer found our contact on this forum as you can see on his email so Im sure he is also doing the same to other digitizers on this forum so be careful.
United States
Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
For him to log on onto this forum firstly is because a digitizer on this forum has contacted him trying to get his work because otherwise there is no way he would have known we discussing him.
Secondly if someone accused my company of doing wrong, I would go onto the forum to respond to protect my own business so others don't take it the wrong way. If you read his post he is admitting not paying, so why would I be on the wrong????
I respect the fact that he came on the forum and gave a true feedback and as a matter of fact we have talked and agreed to work again. But what is shocking is a member on this forum actually contacted him for work and you know who you are. This is why this thread is absolutely useless because nobody else has bothered to give any names on here but instead "lets target powerstitch's customers, how stupid of him to mention names of his ex-customers".
I guess I'm the only digitizer who has bad debts right?? The rest of you Im sure will post after 2 months when this thread will be long forgotten.
And no there is no rule that digitizers have to post here...I was the only stupid one to give out leads for potential customers.
Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
Sorry to hear that. We did experience that in 2012 as you can read above, but I think some of our clients at that time were either consolidating or going out of business. This seems to have changed and we loosened our terms policy again in 2014 and so far have had very little issue. (nothing like it was during the economic problems a few years ago!)
As a barometer do you think you are seeing the start of another problem period? Right now it seems corporations are flush and spending their budgets so they dont lose them next year. A welcomed come back from harder times.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
You are lucky to have all clients pay you, here after even doing 8 to 10 designs, when i ask for payments, gets no response!
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
So who contacted him, its really bad.................
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
ha, well if another digitizer is dumb enough to knowingly go after a client that has been shown NOT to pay for digitizing.. well, stupid them. Let them do it. I mentioned really large clients.. best of luck to any digitizer that wants to go after those... we sure don't care.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
Rcvd an order from a regular customer. Attachment had 2 logos but order didn't mention which one they need.
I wrote to client:
>which design do you need?
>can you please provide clear instructions when placing your orders
Client replies:
the top one, i didn't realize there were 2 attached. I thought my
instructions have been pretty clear. Do you want me to go elsewhere?
I refunded the payment & told the client to choose his digitizer first. If he decides to use us again then he can place his order again with clear instructions.
Whats with customers feeling like they are doing you a favour by giving you work?? There are just as many customers out there as there are digitizers!!! Sometimes its better these customers go elsewhere....makes room for loyal ones!!
Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
Best way is to show them digital picture and ask them to pay... After payment let them download file. Credit only for regular customers.
:confused: Embroidery Digitizing Visit
:) Satisfied more than 800 customers, Take a **NO** risk trial
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
Well for 2015 we had to write off very little in bad debt! VERY little, not even worth questioning the clients over... maybe they skipped an invoice or whatever, but nothing like years past. In fact this year we had several clients DOUBLE PAY invoices... YEP... had to call to see if they wanted a credit, a refund, the checks sent back or the checks destroyed.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
The fact is Im not going to work with any of those clients again unless they clear their old dues first and then agree to pay upfront after, but the fact that others use the info to their benefit is what sucks.
This thread was to caution digitizers but it seems like its working the other way...
Rob, I suggest not mentioning further names anymore. Let every digitizer experience the bad times themselves. Why be stupid enough to caution another digitizer when this is what you get back and if you go back from the start you will see for yourself how many digitizers have actually mentioned names. You think they don't have bad debts??
I will now only put names here after I have warned my customers that their names will appear on this list if they dont pay purely for the sake of me getting my money back and not intended to give out contact details to other digitizers.
Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
thank you Powerstitch, but you dont have to do that. Send it to one of the US digitizers that market on this site instead. but thanks for the offer.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
This is the reason we don't even think twice to offer credit to a new company.
If they are interested in your services, they would pay in advance for each order and if that is a headache then they can pay a lumpsome in advance. And don't tell me that is a risk for them because its the same risk they are asking from me by me offering them credit.
If this is not acceptable, google is your friend!!
Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
yes, do you have a problem with client's not paying you?
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
Well , it has been about 3 months. We have been much better at checking the orders that they enter themselves have PO's attached... we send every one back on clarification to ask for a PO .. delays their orders but they dont seem to mind... and we are getting paid from corporate.
October 15th we are contacting any Terms client that has had payment problems and letting them know that effective Nov 15th they will either have to go to cc or start using another service provider. My reasoning is that our busiest time of the year is from mid Nov to Christmas.... so we will be packed and wont miss those that leave.... and it should be harder for them to find another terms provider as most others will be busy as well and Don't offer terms anyway.
This should make 2013 much easier to manage.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
I guess you never heard of how the old saying goes.
Screw me once shame on you. Screw me twice shame on me.
Demand a credit card up front with no exceptions. If it doesn't clear then don't send the files. If they won't pay you up front, do you actually think they will pay you after?
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
Don't let them tell you how to run your business when they can't run theirs.
You own it, so make your own rules. If you don't have the balls to do so, then you will always be screwed.
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
May be you are right
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
Today had a client who paid an invoice in OCTOBER for work done in FEBRUARY..... and got all upset that today when she placed an order that we had the nerve to ask for her credit card information...
I am sorry, paying an invoice 8 months later is not acceptable.. thank you for coming back to us.. but you will need to pay when services are rendered... no . no.. why would you think we were questioning your character... has nothing to do with that mam... just we do a service for you and I am sorry but I do not think it unrealistic to be paid at that time... but I do think it unrealistic for ANYONE to think it is OK to pay 8 months later.. sorry...
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
I hear you Ink Guy, but doing that means you will not have the Club Colors, AIA, or Proforma franchisees then.. They each have dozens if not Hundreds of sales reps with all invoices being paid from a centralized office by check only. So the gamble with them is bankruptcy or foreclosure as happened with our client, but in the history of working with them for as long as we have you are still talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars that to me is worth the $555 loss. And still quite a savings over cc fees we would have paid if they were not terms... I was just complaining that it still should not have happened.
As far as the smaller clients we still tend to err to the side of trusting people and allowing terms to many that ask. Most are great payers but for those that do not pay I just see it as a character flaw in them not something I should penalize others for. I am just pointing out what does happen.
You are correct, it is a personal business decision that to us, even with the bad apples still makes us feel like we are providing a little bit of old school courtesy.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
My client said he will start paying me next week...its almost 2 months, hope he pays me
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
Ask them to pay onto paypal and use the credit card to pay you for the old designs first and at the same time you are processing their new order.
But dont process the new order until you get paid first.
If they dont pay, you most likely got conned.
If they pay then go ahead and do the new design and send them the pdf requesting them to provide the cc details they used to pay you.
Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
no, I think that you dont really think you are going to get those clients back do you? I dont want the ones who have not paid me to come back, period... I dont care if they pay up front or not.. they have shown what type of people they are and I will not compromise my beliefs for their money.. There are TOO many clients as well as TOO many digitizers to do that.
So I dont care if YOU go after the clients I have mentioned.. But personally I dont think you are that dumb.. but for those that are... well, let them deal with the headaches. the more my competitors deal with stuff like that the less time they can spend actually digitizing.. win win.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
If I were you, from now on, I would send them a sewout only. They cannot use the sewout for anything except approval, and they cannot use the file. In my opinion, they are paying for a service of digitizing and do not own the artwork. You do...
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
I am tired of two customers. Let me wait for more three days then I am going to post their detail here.
Affordable and Perfect Embroidery Digitizing.
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
One of my client own lot of money from last 4 months, he saying business is slow, i hope he pays me.
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
Actually come to think of it you're right....... respect once lost is gone forever.... its tough building it up again especially due to bad debts. No point wasting time with such customers when the time can be used to get other genuine ones. As I mentioned before these are all old clients when we were offering credit to most new customers and we were growing the company but now we dont offer any sort of credit including a freebie. Just not worth the while once you already have a good client base keeping you busy.
Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
well I think the days of offering credit to digitizing clients are dwindling pretty quickly... much harder for those that used to go from one to another without paying... they are now having to pay up front. The best they can do now is dispute the cc charges.. and that only works a few times with different vendors and the cc company gets involved with them.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
I hope he does too Gnizitigid... unfortunately being the cynic that I am.. lol.. it is TOO easy just to use another digitizer.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
Company : Thread Ink Designs
Email :
Link :
Company : King of Merch
Owner : Steve
Email :
Company : Let's Get Personal
Email :
Facebook page:
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
Company : Printnum Tees
Email :
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
prepay, prepay, prepay
digitizing...since 1996.
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
Company : King of Merch
Owner : Steve
Email : [email address]
Phone : 1813.374.9544
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
A member of this forum, still waiting for payments from him
Steven S
Freelance Digitizer and Vector Artist
First Two Designs Free (Embroidery Digitizing Only)
Price $10 per design - Email :
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
prepay, prepay, prepay
there's an echo in here....
digitizing...since 1996.
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
I think I have asked this before but does that mean you hit the cc before you start on a project?
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
here's how i do it:
if they are an embroidery shop and will need more designs, i recommend setting up an account. with an account, i bill once a month. they can choose to:
1. prepay by paypal, and they get their paid statement once a month
2. get an invoice once a month and send a check (tho i require a back up credit card be kept on file and if the balance isn't paid within 60 days, i charge it to the card)
3. or, if paying monthly by card, i run the charge for the month when i do invoices
if its a one-time deal or they don't want to set up an account...its prepay (either paypal or card).
tho...its no risk, because if i can't make a design they love, i give them 100% money back. tho, i only remember having to do this once in 21 years.
i would think, at the VERY minimum, a digitizer should just send a pic of the sewout or a screen capture of the design to the customer BEFORE sending the embroidery file. never send the design with payment or a guarantee of it. there are way too many people out there that would totally take advantage of that.
digitizing...since 1996.
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
sorry, that should read "without": never send the design withOUT payment or a guarantee of it.
digitizing...since 1996.
Re: Embroiderers who haven't paid their digitizers
M 0433 294 346
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Owes us much than $96.