help with Tajima tme dc915

having a problem color changes. The machine is stopping with every color change. get error 1b2, 1b3.I have the error codes but they don't help. also have it set up for automatic color change.:confused appreciate any help

I Googled it and was surprised to find something. See the last page. Hope this helps.

For some reason it is putting **** in the address. Remove the spaces between "the embroidery warehouse"

http://www.the embroidery

Was able to find this too

Why do I get a 1B2 error on the machine in the middle of a design?
1. Check the Auto Start setting (hit "B" key once).
2. On the screen you will see AC: O (Auto Color) leave setting alone,
3. Press SET this will take you to the second selection AS: (Auto Start) this may be set to an O (circle) if it is change it to a > (greater than sign)
4. Then press SET.

Sew Fine Designs

EmbroideryTech's picture

This is basically one of a couple of things.

The actual cause is a STOP or DOUBLE COLOR CHANGE in the design. This is something that people put into the design to be able to sew Applique.

If you are setting your color changes to be all the same colors then this is the problem. Example: 2,2,2,2,4,2,2,4,4,2 Anytime you see two of the same needle one right after the other the machine will stop to let you put in the applique portions.

You would be fine if you do what this previous person is telling you. Basically you need to tell the machine to override the way the machine is supposed to handle the information.

This should be in your manual as well. Look in the operation manual for something like STOP CODES, COLOR CHANGE SETTINGS, etc. This should be listed as an option.

Hope that helps,

Steve Bennett
Senior Technical Specialist
626.789.6295 PHONE
626.228.0800 FAX